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Diplomsko delo predstavlja analizo štirih navodil za uporabo zdravil družbe Bayer, ki se v lekarnah dobijo brez recepta. Besedila so pisana v strokovnem jeziku, kar pomeni, da jih je zaradi strokovne farmacevtske terminologije težje prevajati in zato potrebujejo dodatno pozornost. Kot že samo ime pove, je strokovni jezik v veliki meri namenjen stroki, obstajajo pa besedila, ki so kljub strokovnemu jeziku posplošena in namenjena laikom. Tako so besedila v tem diplomskem delu namenjena ljudem, ki so uporabniki teh zdravil. V našem primeru so ciljna publika uporabniki zdravil Rennie (pomaga pri zgagi), Aspirin (bolečine), Aspirin Plus C (bolečine, prehlad) in Bepanthen Plus (krema). Čeprav ta besedila vsebujejo strokovni jezik medicine, so posplošena in s tem razumljiva laikom. Previdnost pri prevajanju strokovnih besedil mora biti pri jeziku, slovnici, predvsem pa tudi pri kulturi in kulturnih razlikah, ki se pojavljajo. Vsako besedilo ima v izhodiščnem in ciljnem jeziku svoj pomen in namen, zato ga je potrebno pazljivo prenesti iz ene kulture v drugo. To pomeni, da ne moremo strokovne terminologije v neki kulturi »preprosto« prevzeti in je nato »kar tako« prenesti. Največja težava se pojavi pri prevajanju strokovnih terminov, ki so specifični za določeno kulturo in jim je v drugi kulturi potrebno poiskati ustreznico. Prevajalec mora kulturo dobro poznati, saj mora razumeti, kako kulturo izhodiščnega besedila prilagoditi in prenesti v kulturo ciljnega besedila tako, da jo bralec razume. Posebnost tega diplomskega dela je vsekakor navodilo za uporabo zdravil, ki je od leta 2001 enotno za vso Evropsko unijo in je s tem tudi zapisno v ustavah držav članic. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča in analizira štiri navodila za uporabo zdravil nemške farmacevtske družbe Bayer, ki ima svojo podružnico tudi v Sloveniji. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da si je prevajalec zraven smernic, ki mu jih določa pravilnik v ustavi, pomagal tudi z nemškimi izvirniki. Najdene razlike so razdeljene v tri skupine, to so izpusti, slovnične razlike in kulturne razlike, katerim sledijo navedbe primerov in analiza. This diploma thesis is an analysis of four instruction leaflets for medicine of the company Bayer AG for medicine without prescriptions. The language used in this kind of texts is specialised which requires additional attention. As the description says, specialised language is used by experts of certain trades or professions. Texts in this diploma thesis are intended for the users of medicine. These texts contain medical terminology, but it is simplified for the general public. By the translation of these kinds of texts the focus must be on the language, grammar, but foremost on culture and the cultural differences. Every text has its meaning and intentionality in the source language as well as in the target language which needs to be transferred from one culture to the other. This means that the culture must not be just “simply” adapted and then “just so” transferred. The translator must be highly knowledgeable about the culture to understand which culturally based source text segments need to be adopted and transferred into the target language and culture, so that the reader can understand the text. Special features of this diploma thesis are the instruction leaflets for medicine which were unified in 2001 for the entire European Union and were constitutionalised by all EU member countries. The emphases of this diploma thesis are four instruction leaflets for medicine of the German pharmaceutical company Bayer which also has its subsidiary company in Slovenia. I assume, based on the provided information that the translator had to help himself with German source language texts as well as take into consideration the directives, as defined by the constitution, to translate the texts. Differences found are categorised into three categories omission, grammatical differences, and cultural differences, which also include examples and analysis. |