Autor: Kurbos, Andreja
Přispěvatelé: Novak, Mitja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomski nalogi sem predstavila problematiko zaposlovanja in dela državljanov EU v Republiki Hrvaški in Bosni in Hercegovini. Za Slovenijo kot članico EU velja prost pretok gibanja oseb, medtem ko imata obe primerjani državi medsebojno različne pogoje glede zaposlovanja in dela tujcev. Ureditev v Republiki Hrvaški se zaradi pristopa k EU približuje naši ureditvi, kar pa ne moremo reči za Bosno in Hercegovino. Predstavila sem pravni okvir, ureditev bivanja, postopek zaposlovanja in dela tujcev ter državljanov EU v izbranih državah. Naredila sem tudi primerjavo med pravnimi ureditvami. Dodatno sem vključila poglavje o socialni varnosti. Hrvaška bo letos postala 28. članica EU, zato je morala opraviti usklajevanja ter prilagoditve nacionalnega pravnega reda s pravnim redu EU, poostrile so se določene določbe na delovnopravnem področju in področju socialne varnosti, da bi se zmanjšale kršitve v praksi. Bosna in Hercegovina je glede same pravne ureditve precej neenotna, lahko bi rekla tudi neučinkovita pri upoštevanju zakonskih določil v praksi (še posebej na področju socialne varnosti), kar je posledica trenutnega političnega sistema v državi in pomanjkanja kontrole s strani pristojnih državnih organov. The thesis focuses on the problem of work and employment for the citizens of the European Union (EU) in the countries of Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. Within the EU – which Slovenia is part of – there is a free movement of people and labor, the same cannot be said for the two countries mentioned above. Each has its own laws and legislations governing the employment of foreign workers. As Croatia is about to enter the EU, its legislation regarding employment is fairly similar to that enforced in Slovenia, but this is not the case in Bosnia and Hercegovina. In the thesis i will illustrate the legislative background, living conditions, employment procedures and working conditions for the citizens of the EU and foreign workers. I will also compare the legal framework of different countries. As the 28th member state of the EU, Croatia will have to comply and strengthen certain regulations concerning labor and social security in order to reduce or prevent misconduct. Bosnia and Hercegovina on the other hand is not uniform or better said inefficient in applying the legislative provisions in practice in particular social security. This is mainly the cause of the current political state in the country and the lack of a effective control from the state authorities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE