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Vsak dan se pri elektronskem poslovanju izmenjuje ogromno podatkov, ki so zelo pomembni za poslovanje podjetij in če pride do izgube teh podatkov, potem lahko pride do velikih posledic. Ravno zaradi tega razloga je zelo pomembno, da se vsa podjetja in tudi drugi uporabniki zavedajo nevarnosti in na kakšen način se lahko ubranijo pred krajo in zlorabo podatkov. Predvsem je pomembna varnost pri podjetjih z veliko številom zaposlenih, saj več kot je zaposlenih, več možnosti je za napake. Število napadov neprestano narašča, kajti vedno več ljudi uporablja internet in s tem elektronsko poslovanje. Računalniški kriminal se je znatno povečal tudi zato, ker se je današnja mlada generacija učila uporabe računalnikov že od malih nog in zato potrebujejo le nekaj znanja in iznajdljivosti, da izvedejo napad na žrtev. Podjetja in uporabniki uporabljajo razne varnostne mehanizme, ki jih namestijo na računalnike ali strežnike, katerih naloga je da zagotovijo varnost. Ker je varnost v elektronskem poslovanju zelo pomembna, se je razvilo mnogo različnih varnostnih mehanizmov, katerih naloga je ubraniti napade ter zavarovati zaupne in osebne informacije. Varnostni mehanizmi, ki ščitijo pred krajo in zlorabo podatkov so: digitalni podpis, digitalno potrdilo, kriptografija, protokol za varni prenos, požarni zid, protivirusni programi, itd. Zelo pomembno je tudi, da podjetja izvajajo varnostno politiko, izobražujejo svoje zaposlene in posodabljajo svoje varnostne mehanizme saj s tem zmanjšajo riziko in povečajo varnost podjetja. Every day, the e-commerce exchanges large amounts of data, which are very important for businesses and if there is a loss of data, than major consequences can occur. It is precisely for this reason it is very important for all businesses and other users that are aware of the dangers and how they protect from theft and misuse of data. Above all, safety is much more important for companies with a large amount of employees, since with more employees there is a greater chance for an error. The number of attacks continues to grow as more and more people are using the internet and thus online business. Computer crime has increased significantly because of the young generation, who started to learn how to use computers from an early age and therefore, they only need some knowledge and ingenuity to carry out an attack on the victim. Companies and users can use different security mechanisms which need to be installed on the computers or servers, whose task it is to ensure safety. Since the security of e-commerce is very important, it has developed many different security mechanisms, whose task is to defend from various attacks and protect the confidential and personal information. Security mechanisms which protect against theft and misuse of data are: digital signature, digital certificate, cryptography, protocol for secure transmission, firewall, antivirus, etc. It is also very important that companies implement a security policy, educate their staff and update their security mechanisms as they thereby reduce the risk and increase the safety of the company. |