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Diplomska naloga obravnava področje forenzične lingvistike, znanosti, ki z razvijanjem metod, ki jih uporablja za proučevanje besedil v pisni in ustni obliki, pridobiva vedno večjo veljavo, tako pri preiskovanju kaznivih dejanj, kot v pravnem sistemu. V prvem oziroma teoretičnem delu naloge smo podrobno opredelili pojem forenzične lingvistike in njenih pomembnejših področij, kot so sociolingvistika, psiholingvistika, stilistika, fonetika, pragmatika, semantika in analiza diskurza, ki so nepogrešljiv vir znanja za lingviste, psihologe oziroma preiskovalce kaznivih dejanj. Pozornost smo namenili tudi sms-sporočilom in e-pošti s sporno vsebino, saj je vse pogostejša uporaba telekomunikacijskih sredstev zahtevala razširitev uporabe lingvistične analize tudi na takšne oblike besedil. Razvoj znanosti forenzične lingvistike je prinesel tudi nove teorije, ena od teh je ideja o lingvističnih odtisih. Temelji na dejstvu, da ima vsak posameznik edinstven način izražanja, s čimer ga lahko identificiramo, podrobneje pa smo omenjeni koncept opredelili v poglavju ''Forenzična stilistika''. V drugem delu diplomske naloge smo osvetlili primer Charlesa Lindbergha in ugrabitev njegovega prvorojenca Charlesa Lindergha mlajšega. V okviru tega poglavja smo naredili natančno analizo pisem z zahtevo po odkupnini in opredelili teorije o drugih možnih storilcih. Ugotavljali smo, kako se je psiholingvistična analiza spremenila do danes in kakšne so značilnosti besedila, ki kažejo na resnost grožnje. V empiričnem delu smo opravili raziskavo, skozi katero sta nas vodili domnevi, ki temeljita na ugotavljanju razlik med spoloma. Ugotavljali smo, ali lahko moški in ženske ustvarijo vtis, da je besedilo napisala oseba drugega spola in so pri zavajanju uspešni. Za odgovor na to vprašanje smo morali preveriti jezikovne parametre (besedni zaklad, dolžina povedi, pogostost navajanja vprašanj), za katere smo domnevali, da so pokazatelji razlik med spoloma. V zaključku smo opravili evalvacijo domnev, ki so bile osrednje vodilo skozi celotno diplomsko nalogo. This dissertation discusses the discipline of forensic linguistics, a branch of science that is, as its methods for analysing text either written or spoken have advanced, gained increasing validity in a criminal investigation as well as increasing recognition by the legal system. In the first part of the thesis we described the concept of forensic linguistics and its major contributory disciplines - sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, stylistics, phonetics, pragmatics, semantics and discourse analysis which are an irreplacable source of knowledge for linguists, psychologists and criminal investigators. We have devoted some of our attention to text-messages and e-mails that are implicated in a legal or criminal context. Because of the ever increasing usage of communication technology, the methods of linguistic analysis must be applied to them. An interesting and significant advance within the field of forensic linguistics is the idea of a linguistic fingerprint. The theory is based on the concept that each individual can be identified by the unique way in which they speak and write. This concept is presented in the chapter ''forensic stylistics''. In the second part of the dissertation we shed light on the Charles Lindbergh case and the kidnapping of his first born child Charles Lindbergh Junior. This chapter contains the detailed analysis of ransom notes and possible theories about who else was likely to have been an accomplice. We observed how psycholinguistic analysis has changed since the case and detailing the features of the text that show the seriousness of the threat. For the empirical segment of the dissertation a study was conducted to determine whether males and females can effectively convey a false gender identity. To answer this question we had to analyse linguistic parameters, such as lexical richness, sentence lenght and use of question sentences, which we assumed are the indicators of the differences between sexes. In the final part of the dissertation we evaluated the assumptions that have been the main leads throughout the thesis. |