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V diplomskem delu sem predstavila sam pomen elektronskega poslovanja, kot tudi njegov razvoj ter prednosti in slabosti. Zatem sem opisala elektronsko bančništvo kot del elektronskega poslovanja. Znotraj tega poglavja so opisane storitve elektronskega bančništva od bankomata, plačilnih kartic, mobilnega bančništva, telefonskega bančništva, telebankinga in interneta. Kot eno izmed najbolj razširjenih storitev elektronskega bančništva so nadalje predstavljene plačilne kartice, njihova zgodovina in vrste plačilnh kartic. V tem poglavju je podrobneje opisan tudi bankomat, kot sredstvo za dvigovanje gotovine z uporabe bančne kartice in pa POS terminal kot način plačila z bančno kartico a samih prodajnih mestih kot alternativa gotovinskemu poslovanju. Razvoj uporabe POS terminala je danes prišel do te mere, da nam omogoča brezstično plačevanje na prodajnem mestu. Varnost poslovanja je nadvse pomembna in danes je z razvojem elektronskega poslovanja povezana tudi zloraba plačilnih kartic, predvsem na bankomatih in pa pri spletnem nakupovanju. Zlorab na bankomatih je več vrst, najpogostejše pa so namestitev »skimming« naprave, »libanonska zanka« in zagozda. Vse te so podrobneje opisane v diplomskem delu. V zadnjem poglavju pa sem predstavila samo knjiženje plačil plačilnih kartic opravljenih v poslovanlnicah trgovskega podjetja. Predstavljen je sam postopek od plačila s kartico na prodajnem mestu do zaključka obračuna le-tega z odteglajem na imetnikovem računu in poravnavo tega zneska med banko in podjetjem. Razmah uporabe plačilnih kartic danes je v polnem teku in temu sledijo tudi banke in podjetja, kot njihove izdajateljice. Poleg uporabe kartic kot plačilno sredstvo nam banke in podjetja ponujajo vrsto uporabnih rešitev pri njihovi uporabi. S tem trendom se bo to tudi nadaljevalo, kot cilj zadovoljstva uporabnikov in sledenju današnjemu tempu življenja. In the thesis the importance of e-commerce, as well as its development, advantages and disadvantages are presented. Electronic banking as a part of e-commerce is described as well. Within this chapter I describe the electronic banking services such as ATM, payment/credit cards, mobile banking, telephone banking, telebanking and Internet. Furthermore, there is a presentation of credit cards which are the most widely used electronic banking services, their history and the types of credit cards. This chapter describes the ATM, as a meanof withdrawing cash using bank cards and POS terminal as a way of paying with a bank card alone which are an alternative to cash transactionsin detail. Developing the use of the POS terminal has nowadayscome to such an extension that enables contactless payments at any point of sale. Security operations are of great importance and today the development of e-commerce also enables misusage and abuse of credit cards, especially at ATMs and while online shopping. There are some types of the abuse of ATMs and the most common are installing "skimming" devices, "Lebanese loop" and wedge. All of them are described in detail in the thesis. In the last chapter, posting of payments done by credit cards at the branch offices of trading company is presented. The process of payments with cards, from the point of sale to its completion,together with witholdings from the holder's account and the settlement of the amount between the bank and the company, is described. The expansion of the usage of credit cards is now in its full swing and it is followed by banks and companies, as their issuers. In addition to the usage of cards as a mean of payment, banks and companies offer a wide range of solutions for their application and usage. This trend will surely continue as the main goal of ensuring customer’s satisfaction and following-up the today's pace of life. |