The Relation towards private management of cultural heritage monuments based on the example of Lipica

Autor: Strah, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Rangus, Marjetka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Pri vzpostavitvi konkurenčnih prednosti destinacije igra ključno vlogo več dejavnikov. Najpomembnejša dejavnika pa sta prav gotovo dediščina destinacije in njeni lastniki. Lastniki so s svojim znanjem, delom in finančnimi sredstvi odgovorni za stanje kulturnih in naravnih spomenikov destinacije. Destinacija pa lahko na podlagi dobro razvite dediščine pripomore h gospodarski in družbeni rasti območja. Zaključno delo temelji na predstavitvi rezultatov empirične raziskave, ki smo jih pridobili z analizo dejstev in stališč o privatizaciji slovenske kulturne in naravne dediščine ter kulturno dediščinskih vrednot. Teoretični del obsega predstavitev splošnih pojmov in dejstev o privatizaciji, zasebnem in javnem lastništvu, prehodu Slovenije iz socialističnega v kapitalistični sistem ter privatizaciji znotraj turistične dejavnosti. V tem delu je predstavljeno tudi delovanje Kobilarne Lipica in problematika njene privatizacije ter primerjava z najstarejšo zasebno avstrijsko Kobilarno Stanglwirt. V empiričnem delu smo na primeru Kobilarne Lipica raziskovali stališča do zasebnega lastninjenja v slovenskem turizmu in mnenja prebivalcev Posavja o zasebnem lastništvu v povezavi s kulturno in naravno dediščino. There are various crucial factors involved when establishing the competetive edge of a destination. The most important factors most certainly are the heritage and the owners of the destination. The owners with their knowledge, work and financial resources are responsible for the condition of the cultural and natural heritage monuments of a destination. On the other hand a destination with a good developed heritage can aid the economic and social growth of the area in which it is located. This thesis is based on the results of an empirical research which we have conducted with an analysis of the facts and opinions about the privatisation of the slovene cultural and natural heritage and the cultural heritage values.The theroetical part covers the basic concepts and facts about the privatisation, private and public ownership, the transition of the Republic of Slovenia from the socialistic to the capitalistic system and about the privatisation in the tourism sector. This part of the thesis also addresses the working processes of the stud farm Lipica and the issues with it's privatisation. It also includes a comparison with the oldest private austrian stud farm Stanglwirt. In the empirical part we have researched the standpoints on the privatisation in slovene tourism based on the example of the stud farm Lipica and also the opinions of the residents of the Posavje region about the private ownership of landmarks and properties which are part of the cultural and narural heritage.
Databáze: OpenAIRE