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Diplomsko delo opredeljuje likovno izražanje učencev izven pouka likovne umetnosti v času pouka. V teoretičnem delu pojasnjuje, kaj je to likovno izražanje, kaj je to motiv, ter pomen motivov za likovno izražanje.Podrobneje opisuje tudi risarske in slikarske tehnike, predvsem tiste, ki so preprostejše za uporabo in dostopne kadar koli. Diplomsko delo vsebuje tudi poglavje motivacija, saj so se nekateri učenci likovno izražali tudi med odmori, kar pa ni pogojeno z oceno. V empiričnem delu predstavlja izdelke učencev od prvega do četrtega razreda, kateri niso bili ustvarjeni pri pouku likovne umetnosti. Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kako pogosto se učenci likovno izražajo med odmori ali ko končajo z delom pri pouku. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci od prvega do četrtega razreda. Vsi odgovori na zastavljena vprašanja so bili pridobljeni z metodo študija primera, in sicer z opazovanjem z udeležbo in intervjujem, pri čemer opazovanje ni zajemalo pouka likovne umetnosti. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da se učenci od prvega do četrtega razreda likovno izražajo ne le med poukom likovne umetnosti, ampak tudi med odmori. Diploma thesis deals with students artistic expression outside the class of art education but included into education process.In the theoretical part explains what it is artistic expression, what is that motive, and the importance of the motives of arttistic expression.It also describes drawing and painting techniques, especially those that are easier to use and accessible at any time. The diploma thesis also identifies chapter motivation, as some students expressed their art during breaks, which is not subject to the evaluation . In the empirical part presents products of pupils from first to fourth grade, which were created during breakes or when finished their work in the classroom . The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine how often the students express themselves artistically during breaks or when they are finished their work in the class. In survey involved students from first to fourth grade. All the answers to the questions were obtained by the method of case study, namely participant observation and interviews with the observation did not cover the class of art education. Findings showed that students from first to fourth grade art reflect not only in the class of art education, but also during breaks. |