English as the most used language on the web and it's influence on the youth, whose native language isn't english

Autor: Huseinbegović, Adna
Přispěvatelé: Potočnik, Nataša
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Angleški jezik je najbolj uporabljen jezik na spletu. Med uporabniki spleta obstajajo ljudje, ki jim je angleški jezik materni, in tisti, ki jim le ta ni materni jezik. Med tistimi, ki jim ta jezik ni materni jezik, so tisti, ki znajo angleški jezik dobro, in tisti, ki ne obvladajo angleškega jezika dobro ali pa ga sploh ne znajo uporabljati. V tej diplomski nalogi bomo ugotovili, kako angleški jezik na spletu vpliva na tiste, ki jim le ta ni materni jezik. Ugotovili bomo tudi posledice in razloge za te okoliščine in vplive. English language is the most used and influenced language on the Web. Among the users there are people whose native language is English and those whose isn't. Among those whose it isn't, there are those who speak English and those who don't. In this diploma, we'll discuss the matter how English on the Web affects those whose native language isn't English. We'll also talk about the consequences and reasons for these influences.
Databáze: OpenAIRE