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Teoretična izhodišča: Gastroendoskopska preiskava je ena izmed nenadomestljivih invazivnih preiskav, zaradi katere preiskovanci še zmeraj poročajo o nelagodju in strahu pred preiskavo ter neprijetnih občutkih tekom preiskave. Zato je največkrat ravno medicinska sestra tista, ki se mora osredotočiti na preiskovanca in njegovo počutje, ter ga s svojimi veščinami komunikacije in znanjem kvalitetno psihično pripravi, da lažje prestane preiskavo. Cilj: Z raziskavo v UKCM na Oddelku za gastroenterologijo in endoskopijo smo ugotavljali seznanjenost preiskovancev s preiskavo ter morebiten efekt uporabljenih metod seznanjanja na njihovo počutje. Zanimalo nas je tudi ali so bile te metode dovolj razumljivo predstavljene. Metode: Uporabljena sta bila dva anketna vprašalnika, pred in po preiskavi. Pred preiskavo smo uporabili tri metode seznanjanja: video posnetek, šolski model endoskopa in demonstracijski fizikalni poskus. Rezultati: Od vseh preiskovancev jih je 90 % seznanjenih z endoskopsko preiskavo. Vsem preiskovancem se je zdela naša metoda seznanjanja razumljiva, ni pa bistveno vplivala na spremembo počutja. Največ vpliva na počutje je imel video posnetek, ki je 33 % preiskovancev pomiril, šolski model endoskopa je pri 23 % preiskovancev vzbudil napet občutek, fizikalni prikaz pa pri 87 % ni imel nobenega vpliva na počutje. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da je seznanjenost s preiskavo dobra, metode seznanjanja pa so dobrodošle in po mnenju preiskovancev potrebne za boljše razumevanje preiskave. Zasledili smo zanimanje za video posnetek, predvsem predvajanje tistim, ki pridejo na preiskavo prvič. Zaključek: Pomembno vlogo pri seznanjanju ima medicinska sestra, ki s svojim pristopom psihične priprave preiskovanca poskuša vplivati na njegovo sproščenost in s tem posledično na lažji potek preiskave. Background: The procedure known as gastric endoscopy is one of the irreplaceable examinations because of which examinees regularly report unease, fear and awkwardness prior to the procedure. The medical nurse, to whom belongs the honour to focus on the examinee and his/her condition, is the one possessing skills and knowledge that enable a high quality psychological preparation of the examinee to go through the procedure more easily. Aim: The aim of the research paper was to ascertain the informedness of examinees on the procedure of gastric endoscopy and to determine the effect of methods of informing on examinees' condition. Methods: The research was based on quantitative methodology. Two questionnaires were used in the research prior to and after the procedure. The research included 30 randomly selected examinees, who had been given an appointment for a procedure of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Three methods of informing were used prior to the procedure: a video recording, a teaching model of an endoscope and a demonstration of a physics experiment. Results: We found that 90% of all interviewees were informed on the gastric endoscopy procedure. All examinees seemed to understand the entire method, but it did not significantly affect the change of condition. The greatest effect was exerted by the video recording that relaxed 33% of examinees. The teaching model of an endoscope evoked feelings of tension in 23% of interviewees. The physical demonstration did not have any effect on the condition in 87% of cases. Discussion: We ascertained that the informedness on the procedure was good, while the methods of informing were welcome and, according to the examinees, needed for a better understanding of the procedure. There was a greter interest in the video recording, which was especially expressed by examinees undergoing the procedure for the first time. Conclusion: The nurse's skills and knowledge play an important part in enabling a high quality psychological preparation of the examinee to go through the procedure more easily and to relax the examinee. |