Autor: Fakin, Tomaž
Přispěvatelé: Novak, Zoran
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomska naloga predstavlja raziskavo na področju aglomeracije delcev zeolita in preučevanja vpliva različnih veziv na fizikalne lastnosti aktiviranega granulata. Zeoliti so kristalinični, hidratizirani alumosilikati s tridimenzionalno strukturo, ki vsebuje veliko praznin in kanalov, zato je njihova uporaba zelo raznovrstna. Najdemo jih v industriji pralnih sredstev, kot ionske izmenjevalce in nosilce katalizatorjev, v zadnjem času pa predstavljajo tudi perspektivno področje adsorbentov. Testirali in načrtovali smo proces granulacije zeolita LTA s srednjo velikostjo delcev 4 μm na granulirnih krožnikih. Za pripravo granulatov z želeno velikostjo delcev med 2 mm in 3,15 mm smo preizkusili različno razpoložljivo opremo. Proces proizvodnje aktiviranega granulata zeolita obsega tri stopnje: mešanje granulirnega materiala z navlaževanjem, granuliranje in aktiviranje granulata. Za preučevanje vpliva veziv na fizikalne lastnosti aktiviranega zeolita smo testirali granulat, ki smo ga pripravili z dodajanjem različnih koncentracij naslednjih veziv: natrijevim vodnim steklom, bentonitom in borovo kislino. Za izbrane vzorce granulatov so bile izvedene meritve sorpcijskih lastnosti pod farmakološkimi pogoji, pri čemer je bila posebej obravnavana možnost manipulacije adsorpcije zeolitnega granulata v odvisnosti od velikosti granulata ter vrste in koncentracije veziva. Merjenje sile zloma granul je potekalo z namenom ugotavljanja učinkovitosti veziva pri kompaktiranju granulirnega materiala, saj sta kompaktnost in odpornost materiala na mehanske sile ključni za uporabo granulata v številnih aplikacijah. Iz raziskave izhaja, da smo uspeli proizvesti granulate, ki se po izmerjenih silah zloma granul lahko primerjajo s konkurenčnimi izdelki. The diploma thesis introduces a research of the zeolite particles agglomeration and the study of an impact of various binders on the physical properties of an activated granular. Zeolites are crystalline, hydrated aluminosilicates with a three-dimensional structure which contains many voids and channels. Consequently, their usage is manifold. They are found in the Detergent Industry, as ion exchangers and carriers of catalysts. Furthermore, they have recently been recognized as a promising area for adsorbents. We have tested and planned a process of granulation of LTA zeolite with a mean particle size of 4 μm on the disc granulators. We have tested a variety of equipment available in order to produce granules with the required particle size between 2 mm and 3,15 mm. The manufacturing process of activated granular zeolites comprises three stages: the zeolite conditioning by mixing and moistening, granulation, and the activation of granulated zeolite. To study the impact of binders on the physical properties of the activated zeolite, we have tested the granules, which have been prepared by adding varying concentrations of the following binders to the zeolite: sodium water glass, bentonite, and boric acid. For the granules samples selected, the measurements of sorption properties under pharmacological conditions have been made. The manipulation possibilities of the adsorption of zeolite granules, depending on the size of granules, binder type, and binder concentration have been studied separately. The compactness and resistance of granules to the mechanical forces are essential to use granules in various applications, therefore, a measurement of the forces at which granules brake has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the binder in the granules. Resulting from the research, we have been able to produce granular materials, which can compare to competitive products by the measured forces at which granules brake.
Databáze: OpenAIRE