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Namen diplomske naloge je bil preučiti, kako podjetje Salinen Prosol, d. o. o., ki se ukvarja s predelavo in prodajo soli, komunicira s kupci v procesu prodaje svojih produktov. Poleg tega smo želeli raziskati nakupne navade ljudi, ki kupujejo sol, in opredeliti, kako nekateri dejavniki vplivajo na komunikacijo podjetja s kupci ter posledično na prodajo produktov podjetja. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so opisane teoretične osnove, v drugem delu pa raziskava, ki je bila izvedena s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Predmet raziskave so bile nakupne navade ljudi, ki kupujejo produkte omenjenega podjetja. Primerjali smo jih s tistimi, ki kupujejo produkte konkurenčnih podjetij. Predstavili smo produkte, ki jih podjetje prodaja, ter prikazali dobre in slabe strani trenutnega stanja na področju prodaje. Raziskali smo, na kakšen način podjetje prodaja svoje produkte, kako je podjetje pozicionirano na trgu, kdo so potencialni kupci in katere vrste komuniciranja podjetje uporablja, ko gre za pridobivanje novih in ohranjanje obstoječih kupcev. Na podlagi rezultatov ankete smo s pomočjo teorije predlagali, kako bi podjetje vzpostavilo še uspešnejšo komunikacijo s kupci. Pri raziskovanju smo z iskanjem odgovorov na vprašanja ugotovili, da je podjetje pri komuniciranju s kupci uspešno, obstajajo pa tudi določene izboljšave, ki bi prinesle še uspešnejšo prodajo. Navedli smo nekaj predlogov za izboljšave: • Izvajanje promocije na različne načine. • Prenova embalaže soli. • Razširitev dejavnosti na predelavo morske soli ali pridobitev ustreznega dolgoročnega nabavnega vira tako glede kvalitete kot nabavnih stroškov. V primeru realizacije omenjenih predlogov bi podjetje Salinen Prosol, d. o. o., po našem mnenju doseglo boljšo komunikacijo s kupci in tudi uspešnejšo prodajo produktov. The purpose of this paper was to examine how the company Salinen Prosol Ltd., which deals with processing and selling salt, communicate with customers in the selling process. In addition, we wanted to research purchasing habits of people who buy salt and define how certain factors affect the company’s communication with customers and consequently on sale of company’s of its products. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part describes theoretical basis and in the second part the research, which was conducted using a questionnaire. The object of the study was to investigate the purchasing habits of their consumers. We compared them with those of other salt producing companies’ consumers. We presented the company’s products and also the positive and negative views of the current situation regarding sales. We found out how the company sells its products, its market position, who are their potential customers and what kind of communications methods company uses when it comes to getting new and retaining existing customers. Based on the research results and the theory we have proposed some suggestions regarding the establishment of more successful communication methods whit customers. During the research we found out that the company is quite successful in communicating with the customers, but there are still some ways to improve it. We have proposed some improvements: • Implementing different ways of advertising. • Renovating the packaging. • Extending its activities on the area of sea salt processing. In case the company implements our proposed improvements the result would be better communication with customers and more successful sales. |