Economic and social consequences of demographic changes in the world

Autor: Bratkovič, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Korez Vide, Romana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Demografija je znanstvena disciplina, ki proučuje gibanje, strukturo in porazdelitev prebivalstva. Tesno je povezana z ekonomijo, saj so raziskovalci ugotovili številne korelacije med različnimi področji obeh ved. Projekcije prebivalstva v določenem opazovanem obdobju kažejo na številne demografske spremembe v svetu. Pomemben trend teh sprememb je staranje prebivalstva oz. sočasno upadanje števila rojstev in podaljševanje življenjske dobe prebivalstva. V starostni piramidi je ta trend viden kot oženje spodnjega in širjenje gornjega dela piramide. V manj razvitih državah pa se trend naraščanja rojstev večinoma nadaljuje. Pomemben trend aktualnih demografskih sprememb v svetu so tudi intenzivnejše mednarodne migracije, ki pomembno vplivajo na spremembe na trgu dela, na gospodarsko rast in javne finance. V diplomskem projektu obravnavamo dejavnike ter ekonomske in družbene posledice demografskih sprememb. V empiričnem delu raziskave primerjamo demografske vidike v razvitih ter manj razvitih državah. Analiziramo tudi trende demografskih sprememb v Nemčiji kot izbrani državi Evropske unije in v Turčiji kot izbrani državi nečlanici Evropske unije. Demography is a scientific discipline which is studying changes, structure, and distribution of human population. It is tightly related to Economy as researchers found out a number of correlations among different fields of both disciplines. Projections of population in the certain observed time-period show numerous demographic changes in the world. The important trend of these changes is aging of population and simultaneous decrease of the number of births and extension of pupulation's lifetime, respectively. In the age pyramid, the trend is visible as narrowing of the lower part and broadening of the upper part of the pyramid. In the less developed countries, however, the trend of population's increase mostly continues. An important trend of current demographic changes in the world are also more intense international migrations that significantly affect changes in the labor market, economic growth, and public finances. In our diploma thesis, we discuss the factors and the economic and social consequences of demographic changes. In the empirical part of the research, we compare demographic aspects in developed and less developed countries. We also analyze the trends of demographic changes in Germany, as selected European Union (EU) member state, and in Turkey, as selected EU's non-member state.
Databáze: OpenAIRE