Rules of asepsis as the basic method of work of the operating room nurse

Autor: Crnić, Milena
Přispěvatelé: Stričević, Jadranka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu smo opisali aseptično metodo dela v operacijski sobi, organizacijo operacijskih prostorov in naloge operacijske medicinske sestre. Vse skupaj pogojuje zagotovitev aseptičnega okolja, ki je najvarnejše za radikalni pristop pri zdravljenju pacientov. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili kompleksnost nalog operacijske medicinske sestre in kako si lahko pomaga z enostavnimi pripomočki (letaki, plakati), da ji bo ustna razlaga vzela manj časa in zmanjšala možnost napak. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate opravljenega anonimnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga izvedli med študenti Fakultete za zdravstvene vede in študenti Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali so študentom pri pripravi in sledenju določenih opravil v aseptičnem okolju poleg ustne razlage operacijske medicinske sestre pomembni tudi pisni in slikovni prikazi (plakati in letaki). Ugotovili smo, da bi študenti želeli dodatne pripomočke za takšno učno in delovno okolje in da se določena pravila kar hitro pozabijo. Ugotovili smo, da je pisni in slikovni prikaz pravil priprave in obnašanja po korakih zelo uporaben in zmanjšuje tveganje za ogrožanje aseptične metode dela v operacijski dejavnosti. In the diploma thesis we described aseptic method of work in an operating room, the organization of operating rooms and functions of an operating room nurse. All this enables assurance of aseptic environment that is the safest for a radical approach in the treatment of patients. In the diploma thesis we presented the complexity of the tasks of the operating room nurse, and how she can refer to simple tools (leaflets, posters), so that the verbal explanation takes her less time and reduces the possibility of errors. In the empirical part, we presented the results of completed anonymous questionnaire that had been carried out among students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Maribor. We wanted to determine whether written and pictorial presentations (posters and leaflets) are also important to students in the preparation and tracking of certain tasks in an aseptic environment in addition to oral explanations of the operating room nurse. We found out that students want additional devices for such learning and working environment and that certain rules are rather quickly forgotten. Moreover, we found out that the written and pictorial presentation of rules and behavior step by step is very useful and reduces the risk to jeopardize aseptic methods of work in operating activities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE