The Concept of Worker in European Union Law

Autor: Gobec, Sandra
Přispěvatelé: Senčur Peček, Darja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu je obravnavan pojem delavca v pravu EU. Ta pojem služi določitvi personalne veljavnosti delovnega prava EU. Ko je osebi priznan status delavca, je upravičena do posebnega varstva. V pravu EU ni enotne opredelitve tega pojma, temveč se spreminja glede na področje uporabe. Pojem delavca v smislu člena 45 PDEU je avtonomen pojem prava EU. Za delavca se šteje oseba, ki določeno obdobje za plačilo opravlja storitve v korist in po navodilih druge osebe. Enaka široka opredelitev se uporablja na področju enakega plačila in na nekaterih drugih področjih, na katerih direktive pojma delavca izrecno ne definirajo (varstvo materinstva in starševstva, kolektivni odpusti, organizacija delovnega časa), v primeru Direktive o delu prek agencij za zagotavljanje začasnega dela pa četudi se na podlagi besedila direktive zdi, da je opredelitev pojma delavca rezervirana za nacionalne pravne sisteme. Na večini drugih področij Sodišče Evropske unije definiranje pojma delavca v smislu direktiv prepušča državam članicam in ga ne šteje za avtonomen pojem prava EU. Kljub temu pa polni učinek direktiv in splošnih načel prava EU postavljata omejitve diskreciji, ki jo imajo države članice. This master thesis examines the definition of the concept of 'worker' in EU law. The concept of 'worker' serves to define the personal scope of EU labour law. Once someone is deemed to be a 'worker', that individual is entiteled to special legal protection. There is no single definition of worker in EU law. It varies according to the area in which the definition is to be applied. The worker concept of Article 45 TFEU is an autonomous EU concept. In the context of Article 45 TFEU a worker is a person who, for a certain period of time, performs services for and under the direction of another person in return for which he receives remuneration. The same broad interpretation is used in the field of equal pay for equal work, in some other fields where Directives do not explicitlly define the term 'worker' (regulation of working time, protection of pregnant workers and collective redundancies), and most recently in regard to Temporary Agency Workers Directive even when the Directive appears to reserve the definition of worker to the national legal systems. In most other fields the European Court of Justice essentially leaves it for the Member States to define the term 'worker' for the purposes of these directives and does not regard it an autonomous EU law notion. However the effectiveness of the directives and the general principles of EU law place limits on the discretion enjoyed by the Member States.
Databáze: OpenAIRE