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Naš sodoben kazenski postopek v Republiki Sloveniji obdolžencu, kot domnevnemu storilcu kaznivega dejanja, zagotavlja številne pravice tako na ustavni kot mednarodnopravni ravni. V boju proti kriminaliteti, ki je v interesu vsake družbe, noben zakon ne omogoča toliko posegov v ustavno varovane človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine kot Zakon o kazenskem postopku. Večina načel je povzetih iz Ustave Republike Slovenije, Mednarodnega pakta o državljanskih in političnih pravicah in Evropske konvencije o človekovih pravicah. V slovenskem kazenskem postopku velja pravilo, da je oseba nedolžna, dokler ji krivda ni dokazana s pravnomočno odločbo sodišča. To je ena izmed temeljnih človekovih pravic, ki se kot ovrgljiva domneva lahko ovrže na nepristranskem, objektivnem in z zakonom ustanovljenim sodiščem, ki ima pred seboj nalogo oziroma cilj presoditi ali je oseba, ki je v kazenskem postopku, nedolžna ali kriva, ter določiti kazensko sankcijo za storitev kaznivega dejanja. Sodišče, ki ima predvsem nalogo ločiti krive od nedolžnih, dejstva in posledično tudi sodbo, podkrepi z dokazi, ki so lahko v prid ali škodo obdolženca. V kazenskem postopku ima obdolženec pravico do zagovornika, ki si ga sam izbere, ali pa mu ga izbere sodišče, če je to določeno z zakonom. Prav tako obrambo obdolžencu omogoča tudi sodišče, državni tožilec in policija, tako da obramba z zagovornikom, ki omogoča da sta državni tožilec in obdolženec enakopravni strank, ni podana samo z strani obdolženca, ampak tudi iz nasprotne stranke in sodišča samega. Pred sodiščem vsak obdolženec, glede na njegovo naravo, težo kaznivega dejanja in mnenja odvetnika ubere svojo taktiko zagovora. Poznamo 3 temeljne strategije obrambe: zagovor, v katerem obdolženec priznava kaznivo dejanje, zagovor, v katerem ga zanika in obrambo z molkom. Tekom kazenskega postopka lahko obdolženec svojo strategijo tudi zamenja. Obdolženec je subjekt kazenskega postopka, njegova izjava pa dokazno sredstvo na sodišču. Novela ZKP-K je prinesla sedanji kazenski postopek nove spremembe in sicer predobravnalni narok, na katerem se obdolženec izjavi o obtožbi, možnost pogajanj in sklenitve sporazuma o priznanju krivde, ter odpoved določenim procesnim jamstvom. Modern criminal proceedings in the Republic of Slovenia provide the defendant as the alleged perpetrator a number of rights on both the constitutional and the international level. In the fight against crime, which is in the interest of every society, no other law allows as much interference in the constitutionally protected human rights and fundamental freedoms as the Criminal Procedure Act (Zakon o kazenskem postopku). Most of the principles are extracted from the constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. Slovenian criminal procedures follow the rule that a person is innocent until proven guilty by a final decision of the court. This is one of the fundamental human rights and being a rebuttable presumption, it may be rebutted in an impartial, objective and legally constituted court which has the task or the goal to determine whether the person in the criminal proceeding is innocent or guilty, and to establish a criminal sanction for committing the offense. With the primary task of separating the guilty from the innocent, the court supports the facts and consequently the decision by evidence which may be for or against the defendant. In criminal proceedings, the defendant has the right to a lawyer of his choice or a lawyer may be appointed to the defendant by the court if this is required by law. Defense of the accused is also provided by the court, the public prosecutor and the police so that a defense with a counsel, which allows the public prosecutor and the defendant to be equal parties, is not carried out only by the defendant but also by the opposing party and the court itself. Based on his personal characteristics, the seriousness of the offense and the opinion of the lawyer, every defendant has the right to establish a defense strategy. There are 3 basic defense strategies: defense by recognizing the offense, defense by denying the offense, and silence as a defense. Over the course of the criminal proceeding, the defendant may choose to change his defense strategy. The defendant is the subject of the criminal proceeding and his statement is treated as evidence in court. The amendment K to the Criminal Procedure Act (ZKP-K) introduces certain changes to the current criminal procedure, namely pre-trial hearing which provides the defendant's statement on the indictment the possibility of plea bargaining and conclusion of an agreement on the recognition of guilt and the possibility of denunciation of the available procedural guarantees. |