Autor: Goranski, Sonja
Přispěvatelé: Treven, Sonja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Stres ni pojav sodobnega časa, temveč mehanizem, ki človeku omogoča prilagoditev zunanjim spremembam. Je reakcija našega organizma na spremembe v okolju. V prazgodovini je bil stres tisti, ki je človeku omogočil preživetje, saj je spodbudil beg ali boj. Danes se mehanizem stresa sproži, tudi ko nam ne gre za življenje, npr. pred pomembnim sestankom. Ta stres je lahko pozitiven, če se nam zdi, da okoliščine obvladujemo ali negativen, če ocenimo, da razmer ne obvladujemo dobro. Medicinske sestre se vsak dan srečujejo z življenjem in smrtjo, ki je pritisk, ki ga občutijo le še redki, ki opravljajo kakšen drug poklic. Poskrbeti morajo za paciente, medtem pa se spomniti vsake besedice iz medicinskih knjig, da lahko pozdravijo bolnega. Poleg tega delajo v daljših izmenah, ponoči, podnevi in ob praznikih in vikendih. Medicinske sestre so pri svojem delu izpostavljene precejšnjemu stresu, zato je pomembno, da se znajo nanj ustrezno odzvati. Magistrska naloga zadeva problem stresa na delovnem mestu in vsebuje pet poglavij. Prvo poglavje teoretičnega dela pojasnjuje kaj je stres in kaj so stresorji. Nato smo opredelili vrste stresa ter posledice stresa na delovnem mestu. Naslednje poglavje je osredotočeno na stres na delovnem mestu. V četrtem poglavju smo ponazorili simptome stresa na delovnem mestu. Opredelili smo zmanjšanje učinkovitosti pri delu, izgorevanje na delovnem mestu, stroške, kot posledica stresa, absentizem in smrt od službe. V zadnjem, empiričnem delu, je predstavljena raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli med medicinskimi sestrami v UKC Maribor. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, ali je delo medicinskih sester stresno in, ali so danes bolj pod stresom kot so bile pred petimi leti. Ugotavljali smo, kateri je najpogostejši vzrok stresa medicinskih sester, ter ali je izmensko delo zanj stresno. Raziskali smo tudi najpogostejši dejavnik za zmanjševanje obremenitev pri delu. Podali smo tudi predloge za zmanjševanje stresa pri delu medicinskih sester v UKC Maribor. Stress is not a phenomenon of the modern time, but it is the dangerous mechanism which enables people’s adaptation to external changes. It’s our so called organism’s reaction to different changes on the environment. In history the stress, for a man, represented the fight for survival in which triggered an alarm to fight or to run away to save our life. In modern time we don’t need to fight anymore against the animals, but the mechanism of the survival still stays as consequence of the hard work, where the stress became more and more present in our life. Stress shouldn’t be only negative experience of non controllable circumstances, but with a lot of knowledge and learning should be also positive managed phenomenon. Nurses in hospital are daily confronted with the life and death, which is enormous pressure felt by only few engaged in any other profession. Thus they must very good to take care for the patients and within consider every single word from the medical books. Nurses must work night and day, a lot of times also longer shifts and not matter of the holidays they need to be at the work. All that facts are an addition of significant stress of the nurses and that’s why is extremely important how to prevent it and make situation better. Master thesis includes five chapters of the problem stress at the work. The first chapter explains only theoretical part, which is divided on what exactly stress is and what are the main stressors. After this we focused on the types of the stress and which are individual’s most frequent consequences of the stress at the work. Next chapter is focused only on the stress at the work, which is the main topic of the master research. In fourth chapter we illustrated symptoms of the stress at the work. In this complex we defined reduction of the consequences stress at work, the out burning, costs linked with the stress, absenteeism and death caused by stress. In last empirical part we present a research, which was conducted among nurses in University Medical Center in Maribor (UKC). With this research we wanted to determine whether the work is or is not stressful and whether the nurses are now more stressed as they were five years ago. We researched also which is the most common cause of the nurses’ stress and whether shift work is stressful for them. Within the master research we found out also the most desired factor which could reduce burden as the consequences of the stress at the work. At the end we made propositions for preventing and reducing stress at work for nurses of the UKC Maribor.
Databáze: OpenAIRE