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V diplomski nalogi predstavljam postopek in izdelavo progresivnega orodja za avtomobilsko industrijo. Na začetku diplomske naloge sem opisal AlMg zlitino, kemično sestavo in kako jo pridobimo. Preračuni sile rezanje in upogibanja, ki so potrebni, za izbiro stroja za preoblikovanje pločevine. V diplomi so predstavljeni najpomembnejši deli preoblikovalnega orodja, ki so ponazorjeni z tehnično dokumentacijo. Opisal sem tudi strošek orodja. In the diploma work I represent procedure and manufacturing progressive tool for automotive industry. At the beginning I describe the AlMg alloy, chemistry structure and how we acquire. I calculate the forces of cutting and bending which they used for press for forming metal. In the diploma is also describe a important part of forming tool, which they illustration with technical documentation. I describe also a cost of tool. |