Korupcija v upravnih enotah in organizacijski ukrepi za njeno preprečevanje

Autor: Mevc, Andrejka, Pagon, Milan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Organizacija, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 99-107, 2008.
ISSN: 1318-5454
Popis: This paper presents the results of a study that investigated the attitudes of civil servants in public administration units in Slovenia regarding corruption at work. The results show that civil servants employed in public administration units take corruption seriously. The employees' perceptions of corruption and their willingness to report the offender are closely connected to their opinion on how others - their colleagues - perceive it (i.e., how serious they find corruption and whether they are willing to report the offender). There are important gender differences regarding the perceptions of corruption, as well as differences in the function they have and their membership in organizational units. The authors conclude that it is necessary to develop and strengthen the feelings of the employees' security and increase the link between perceiving corruption and one's own judgment of the seriousness of corruptive behaviour, as well as to decrease the tolerance regarding corruption. V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, v kateri sta avtorja ugotavljala stališča javnih uslužbencev, zaposlenih v upravnih enotah v Sloveniji, o pojavih korupcije na delovnem mestu. Uslužbenci v upravnih enotah v povprečju jemljejo pojave korupcije resno. Uslužbenčevo lastno doživljanje pojavov korupcije in pripravljenost prijaviti kršitelja je v najtesnejši medsebojni povezanosti z njegovim mnenjem o tem, kako pojave korupcije doživljajo drugi - njegovi sodelavci (kako resno jemljejo pojave korupcije sodelavci, ali so sodelavci pripravljeni prijaviti kršitelja itd.). Med uslužbenci obstajajo pomembne razlike v doživljanju pojavov korupcije glede na spol, glede na funkcijo, ki jo uslužbenec opravlja, in glede na njegovo pripadnost notranji organizacijski enoti.
Databáze: OpenAIRE