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V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na vpeljavo računalništva v oblaku v podjetje. Zanimalo nas je, ali bi podjetje z uporabo računalništva v oblaku privarčevalo v primerjavi z obstoječim načinom vodenja informatike, pri katerem imajo uporabniki programe nameščene na delovnih postajah in uporabljajo namenske strežnike za elektronsko pošto, varnostne kopije, SAP in datotečni strežnik. Za primerjavo stroškov med obstoječo in oblačno arhitekturo nam je podjetje X posredovalo podatke o stroških informatike za šest let ter popisano IT-infrastrukturo in programsko opremo. Na podlagi teh podatkov smo lahko poiskali rešitve, ki temeljijo na modelu računalništva v oblaku in ki bi nadomestile trenutno programsko opremo, ter izračunali stroške prehoda na model računalništva v oblaku tudi ob morebitni delni zamenjavi obstoječih delovnih postaj, katerih zamenjava bi bila potrebna. Pri tem smo z uporabo modela in uveljavljenimi ekonomskimi kazalniki izračunali, da bi podjetje X z uporabo računalništva v oblaku privarčevalo približno 145.000 €, kar zagotavljajo tudi ponudniki oblačnih storitev v teoriji. This Master's thesis focuses on the introduction of cloud computing into an enterprise. We wanted to know whether the enterprise would make savings by using cloud computing instead of existing modes of IT management where users have programs installed on workstations and use dedicated servers for email, backups, SAP and file server. For the purposes of cost comparison between the existing and cloud-based architecture, the enterprise X provided data on IT costs for the period of six years and the inventory of IT infrastructure items and software products. This data enabled us to find solutions that are based on the model of cloud computing and that would replace the current software, and calculate the costs of transition to the model of cloud computing, including the costs of any necessary partial replacement of existing workstations. This has involved the use of the model and established economic indicators to calculate that the use of cloud computing in the enterprise would have reduced the costs by approximately € 145,000, which is also guaranteed in theory by cloud-based service providers. |