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Stalno izboljševanje kakovosti procesov in proizvodov, povečevanje produktivnosti in zmanjševanje stroškov so najpomembnejša zagotovila za dolgoročen obstoj in rast organizacije na konkurenčnem svetovnem trgu. Za vsako podjetje, ki se želi vključiti ali obdržati na konkurenčnem trgu, sta odločilnega pomena kakovost izdelkov, ki jih proizvaja, in storitev, ki jih nudi. Nivo kakovosti izdelkov in storitev, predvsem pa njena stalnost, niso nikoli rezultat naključja, temveč odraz kakovostnega dela in prizadevanj vseh, ki sodelujejo pri načrtovanju in proizvodnji izdelka ali storitve. Podjetje Gorenje, d. d., je eno izmed vodilnih evropskih proizvajalcev aparatov za dom z več kot šestdesetletno tradicijo na področju izdelovanja in prodaje gospodinjskih aparatov in bele tehnike. Spada med osem največjih proizvajalcev gospodinjskih aparatov v Evropi. Letna proizvodnja in prodaja znašata 3,7 milijona velikih gospodinjskih aparatov, podjetje pa prodaja v več kot 90 državah sveta. Kakovost je v zadnjem desetletju močno pridobila na pomenu. Postala je najpomembnejše sredstvo za pridobivanje in ohranjanje prednosti pred hudo konkurenco na trgu. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili splošen pomen kakovosti, opozorili na pomen kontrole vhodnih materialov in podrobno opredelili naloge vhodne kontrole v programu PSA (pralno sušilni aparati). Opozorili smo tudi na pomembnost, da so morebitne napake dobavljenih materialov odkrite čim prej, saj imajo napake, ki so odkrite šele v proizvodnem procesu, za posledico nepotrebne zastoje in dodatne stroške. Podali smo predloge za izboljšave obstoječega operativnega procesa za posamezne že utečene postopke oz. operacije z namenom, nadgraditi že obstoječi proces in razvijati priložnosti za nadaljnje izboljševanje kakovosti dela vhodne kontrole. Rezultat diplomskega dela je izboljšan oz. optimiran postopek kontrole dobavljenih materialov, ki ima za posledico boljše, hitrejše in zanesljivejše kontroliranje vhodnih materialov ter zniževanje stroškov neustrezne kakovosti. Glede na to, da se kakovost vhodnih materialov oblikuje že pri dobavitelju, smo opozorili tudi na pomen korektnega in poštenega poslovnega sodelovanja med dobaviteljem in kupcem, saj je dejansko dobavitelj strokovnjak za sisteme merjenja oz. kontrole materialov, medtem ko naj bi bila kontrola materialov, ki se izvaja v podjetjih, namenjena le potrditvi podatkov dobavitelja. Continuous improvement of the quality of processes and products, increasing productivity and reducing costs are the most important guarantees for the long-term existence and growth of the organisation in a competitive global market. For any company wishing to participate or stay in a competitive market, the quality of the products produced and services offered is of primary importance. The level of product and service quality, particularly its continuity, is never the result of chance, but a reflection of the quality of work and efforts of all involved in the design and manufacture of the product or service. The company Gorenje d. d. is a company with more than sixty-year-old tradition in the field of production and sale of household appliances and white goods. It is one of the eight largest manufacturers of household appliances in Europe. Annual production and sales amounts to 3.7 million € from large household appliances, and the company sells its products in more than ninety countries in the world. The quality has significantly gained in importance in the last decade. It has become the most important asset for gaining and retaining advantage over intense competition in the market. In the following diploma thesis we introduced the general importance of quality and drew attention to the importance of control of raw materials and introduced in detail the tasks of incoming inspection department in PSA programme (washer- dryer appliances). We have also pointed out the importance that any defects on supplied materials have to be detected as soon as possible as the faults that are detected only in the production process lead to unnecessary production delays and bring about additional costs. We submitted some proposals for improvements of the existing operational process for each of the already-established procedures or operations with the aim to upgrade the existing process and develop opportunities for further improvements of the quality of work in the incoming inspection. The result of the diploma thesis is an improved and optimized process of raw material control. The aim of the improved process is to provide a better, more efficient and more reliable inspection of input materials as well as to reduce the costs of inadequate quality. Due to the fact that the quality of raw materials is already formed at the supplier’s end, we also emphasised the importance of fair business cooperation between the supplier and the buyer. It is the supplier who is the expert for the measurement systems and control of materials while the control of materials carried out by the buyer should only confirm supplier’s confirmation data. |