Autor: | Strelec, Sabina |
Přispěvatelé: | Lipovec, Alenka |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2013 |
Předmět: |
da njena prisotnost otroka zmede Subitizacija je področje matematike s katero se skozi praktično izobraževanje v vrtcu nisem seznanjala. Njene uporabe se vzgojiteljice niso posluževale. Tako sem se odločila za natančnejšo raziskavo te matematične veščine. S tem sem dnevni ritual popestrila in ga naredila drugačnega. Sprva je bila zraven vsakega otroka vzgojiteljica fou zato sem z vsakim otrokom delala posebej v znanem prostoru. Za razlago hitrih slik sem porabila okrog deset mi toda ugotovili sva The graduation thesis titled The spatial representation of numbers of preschool children theoretically and empirically presents an area of identifying numbers by using cards for quick-image activities in the kindergarten. In the theoretical part of the thesis the development of a term “number” of preschool children and “subitisation” in relation with the spatial presentation of numbers of preschool children are presented. In the empirical part of the thesis the results of the research that investigated the spatial representations of numbers in preschool children are presented. Using cards of one to ten dots with different dots arrangements preschool children were asked to recognize the number of dots. Which one of the three different communication modes (say the word show with your fingers or use a concrete material) was most commonly used by preschool children when recognizing number of dots was observed. The research based on the non-probability convenience sample of sixty children aged three |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Diplomsko delo z naslovom Prostorske predstavitve števil pri otrocih v predšolskem obdobju teoretično in empirično predstavlja področje prepoznavanja števil v vrtcu s pomočjo hitrih slik. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljen razvoj pojma število pri predšolskem otroku ter subitizacija v povezavi s prostorskimi predstavitvami števil pri predšolskih otrocih. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, katere namen je bil raziskati prostorske predstavitve števil pri otrocih v predšolskem obdobju. Pri prepoznavanju števila pik preko hitrih slik od ena do deset z različnimi postavitvami sem preverjala, katere izmed treh različnih načinov sporočanja prepoznanega števila pik otroci uporabljajo (povedo z besedo, pokažejo s prsti ali uporabijo konkretni material). Raziskava je bila izvedena na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu šestdesetih otrok – v starosti treh, štirih in petih let. Ugotovila sem, da so petletni otroci dokaj uspešno prepoznavali število pik, ki je manjše ali enako šest, štiri letni otroci so pravilno prepoznavali števila pik, manjša ali enaka štiri, triletniki pa so bili uspešni pri številih, manjših od tri. Otroci so pri podajanju odgovora v največji meri uporabljali verbalni način. Obenem pa sem opazila, da se je delež verbalnih odgovorov z večanjem števila pik zmanjševal. Med različnimi prostorskimi razporeditvami pik na hitrih slikah so otroci najbolj uspešno prepoznavati tiste razporeditve pik, ki so enake tistim na igralni kocki. The graduation thesis titled The spatial representation of numbers of preschool children theoretically and empirically presents an area of identifying numbers by using cards for quick-image activities in the kindergarten. In the theoretical part of the thesis the development of a term “number” of preschool children and “subitisation” in relation with the spatial presentation of numbers of preschool children are presented. In the empirical part of the thesis the results of the research that investigated the spatial representations of numbers in preschool children are presented. Using cards of one to ten dots with different dots arrangements preschool children were asked to recognize the number of dots. Which one of the three different communication modes (say the word, show with your fingers or use a concrete material) was most commonly used by preschool children when recognizing number of dots was observed. The research based on the non-probability, convenience sample of sixty children aged three, four and five years. Findings indicated that five years old children quite successfully recognized a number of dots that is less than or equal to six and that four year-olds correctly recognized numbers of dots that are less than or equal to four, while the three year-olds were successful in recognizing numbers smaller than three. Children, when answering, mainly used the verbal way of communication. At the same time it was noticed that a proportion of the verbal responses was decreasing when number of dots was increasing. Among different spatial arrangments of dots on the dots cards the children were the most successful in recognizing the arrangements of dots that are identical to those on a dice. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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