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V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na modele zrelosti poslovnih procesov in podrobneje obravnavali osem modelov zrelosti (CMMI, BPMMM, BPMM-Fisher, PMMA, BPOMM, PEMM, BPMM-OMG in BPMM-Lee). Izbrane modele zrelosti poslovnih procesov smo analizirali ter izpostavili njihove strukture, prednosti, slabosti itd. V nadaljevanju smo primerjali vse izbrane modele zrelosti poslovnih procesov in izpostavili njihove skupne točke ter razlike. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo predstavili razvoj informacijske rešitve za podporo ocenjevanja zrelosti poslovnih procesov glede na izbrana modela BPMMM in PEMM. Informacijska rešitev je namenjena za vse vrste organizacij oz. podjetij in omogoča ocenjevanje zrelosti podjetij (skupna zrelost vseh poslovnih procesov) ter zrelosti vsakega poslovnega procesa posebej. Dodatno smo informacijsko rešitev preizkusili v portalu GreenITM (sestavljenem iz petih procesov), ki deluje kot podpora pridobitvi licence iz standarda ISO 14001. In this thesis we have focused on maturity models business processes and more particularly we have discussed eight maturity models (CMMI, BPMMM, BPMM-Fisher, PMMA, BPOMM, PEMM, BPMM-OMG and BPMM-Lee). We analyzed the selected maturity models business processes and pointed out their structure, strengths, weaknesses, etc. We have compared all of the selected maturity models business processes to each other and highlight their similarities and differences. As part of the thesis we presented the development of an IT solution used as support for maturity assessment of business processes. Our IT solution is designed for all types of organizations or companies and allows maturity assessment of the whole organization(joint maturity of all business processes) and maturity assessment of each business process separetaly. Additionally, we tested our IT soltion in the site GreenITM(composed of five processes), which works as a support for obtaining a license of ISO 14001 standards. |