Knowledge management in frame of mentoring leadership style

Autor: Kos, Simon
Přispěvatelé: Nedelko, Zlatko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Zgodovina nas uči, da je človek eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov v podjetju. Včasih so delavce postavili na delovno mesto in jim dali delo brez razlage in brez vsake pomoči. Danes pa temu več ni tako, saj lahko vidimo, da velika večina podjetij veliko vlaga v izobraževanje in učenje svojih zaposlenih. Danes človeku ne damo več samo dela, temveč ga na to delo tudi temeljito pripravimo. Ponudimo mu izobraževanje, ki se najbolj prilega njegovemu profilu ter ga razvijamo tako, da lahko podjetju prinese čim več novih znanj. Delodajalec si svojega zaposlenega prilagodi glede na svoje podjetje tako, da lahko zanj čim več stori oziroma mu čim več doprinese. Ne le v finančnem smislu, temveč imamo v mislih tudi znanja, ki jih nekdo prinese v organizacijo. V diplomskem delu bomo govorili o managementu znanja in prenosu znanja med nadrejenimi in podrejenimi glede na stil vodenja, ki se uporablja v organizaciji. Opredelili bomo proces vodenja, vodjo, njegove naloge in lastnosti uspešnega vodje. Prav tako bomo razložili, zakaj je pomemben management znanja in kako se s tem soočajo podjetja v praksi. Podrobneje bomo opredelili aktualne stile vodenja in ocenili prenos znanja v vsakemu izmed njih. Posebej bomo preučili okvire mentorskega stila vodenja ter njegovo implementacijo v podjetju Etrad3 d.o.o. Izvedli bomo intervjuje z nadrejenimi in podrejenimi v omenjeni organizaciji ter tako pridobili informacije o njihovem dojemanju prenosa znanja. Iz teh podatkov bomo analizirali management znanja v podjetju in pripravili predloge za izboljšanje stanja v podjetju in predloge za uporabo v praksi. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da prihaja v mentorskem stilu vodenja do boljšega prenosa znanja kot v ostalih obravnavanih stilih. To smo potrdili tako z teoretično vsebino, kot tudi z raziskavo v izbranem podjetju. Ugotovili smo, da ima največji vpliv na prenos znanja med nadrejenimi in podrejenimi motiviranost vsakega posameznika. History teaches us that human is one of the most important factors in the company. Sometimes they placed workers before the workplace and gave them work, without explanation and any help. Today, this is no longer the case, as we can see that a lot of big, important companies invest in education and skills of their employees. Today, we do not just give work to our employees, but we also prepare them thoroughly for the job. We offer them education that suits them best, and we develop their skills so that they can bring as much new knowledge as possible to the company. The employer adapts his employees to his business so they can contribute as much as possible. Not only in financial terms, but also at the knowledge that someone brings into the organization. In the project we will talk about knowledge management and transfer of knowledge between superiors and subordinates according to the management style used in the organization. We will define the process of leadership, the leader, his tasks and the characteristics of a successful leader. We will also explain why knowledge management is important and how companies are facing this in practice. We will define in detail the current leadership styles and assess the transfer of knowledge in each of them. We will especially study the mentoring style of management, and its implementation at Etrad3 d.o.o. We will conduct interviews with the superiors and subordinates in the organization, in order to gain information about their perception of knowledge transfer. From this data we will analyze the knowledge management in the company and prepare proposals for improving the situation in the company and suggestions for use in practice. The research found that in the mentoring style of leadership,there is a better transfer of knowledge than in the other considered styles, which we confirmed with theoretical content and the research in the selected company. We have found that the greatest influence on the transfer of knowledge is the superior and subordinate motivation of all individuals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE