Suicide prevention in adolescents

Autor: Kotnik, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Goriup, Jana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Samomor je vzrok številnim smrtim. Zasledimo ga v različnih literaturah, tako strokovnih, kot laičnih. Samomor predstavlja zelo visoko smrtnost v svetu. Zaradi samomora ljudje umirajo, tako kot za ostalimi boleznimi, ki ogrožajo prebivalstvo. Velik problem je samomor med mladimi, ki so občutljiva skupina, ki samomorilne namene kažejo z drugačnimi znaki, kot odrasle in starejše osebe. Tako kot strokovnjaki bi tudi laiki morali poznati vzroke, dejavnike tveganja in nasploh poznati starostne skupine ljudi, kako se v takih situacijah obnašajo. S tem bi naredili prvi korak k preprečevanju samomora. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene različne starostne skupine, iz česar je razvidno, da mladostniki samomorilne namene sporočajo s svojim vedenjem. Pri mladostnikih je veliko tudi samomorilnih misli, več kot pri ostalih odraslih osebah. Iz literature je razvidno, da so depresivne motnje najpogostejši vzrok samomora pri mladih, simptomi depresije prepoznamo lahko že pri otrocih. Predstavljeni so vzroki samomora, zgodovina samomora, sociološki pogled na samomor in preventiva s strani medicinske sestre. Ugotovili smo, da se ves proces preventive samomora začne s pogovorom in poslušanjem bolnika, medicinska sestra pa je tista, ki je z bolnikom največ v stiku in si najprej pridobi njegovo zaupanje. Preventivno lahko delujejo tudi vsi ostali, najbolj pomembno pa je biti seznanjen o samomoru, o čemer se še premalo govori. Suicide is a very common cause of death and a popular topic in literature, expert and amateur. The death rate by suicide is extremely high and should be taken as seriously as any other deadly disease that threatens our world's population. Suicide represents a huge problem among adolescents, a very sensitive group whose suicidal tendencies are indicated by different warning signs and symptoms than by adults and elderly people. Not only experts, but also common people should learn about the causes, risk factors, the exposed age groups and their behaviour before a suicide attempt. This is the first step towards suicide prevention. This thesis introduces different age groups and exposes the behaviour of adolescents, which is considered a suicidal warning sign. Generally, suicidal thoughts are more common in adolescents than adults. Based on the literature, the most common cause of suicide by adolescents is depressive disorder the symptoms of which can be identified even by very young children. Our thesis introduces the causes, history, sociological perspectives and the role of nurses in preventing suicides. In the course of research we have established that the entire prevention process starts with a healthy conversation and listening to the patient. Nurses have the closest contact with patients and are usually the first person that earns their trust. Still, prevention is not limited to nurses only, everyone can help, but it is important that we learn more about suicide and stop treating this problem as a taboo subject.
Databáze: OpenAIRE