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Zaradi predvidene prepovedi kirurške kastracije pujskov v EU so potrebne raziskave alternativ ena od njih, ki naj bi se najverjetneje uveljavila, je reja merjascev. Kljub nekaterim prednostim, ki jih reja merjascev predstavlja v primerjavi s kastrati, pa obstajajo indikacije, da je kakovost mesa merjascev drugačna. Kaže se problem večje trdote mesa, etiologija pojava pa še ni raziskana. Zato je bil osnovni cilj naše študije ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v trdoti mesa med merjasci in kastrati ter s čim lahko te razlike pojasnimo. V raziskavi smo izmerili lastnosti kakovosti klavnega trupa (DM5), lastnosti kakovosti mesa (pH, barva mesa, sposobnost vezave vode, rezna trdota) ter določili kemijsko sestavo mesa (vsebnost proteinov, intramuskularne maščobe in vode, vsebnost skupnega mišičnega pigmenta, kolagena in oksidacije proteinov). Zbrane podatke smo statistično analizirali s pomočjo programa SAS. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da imajo merjasci več celokupnega kolagena (34,5 %, P < 0,05), manj intramuskularne maščobe (66 %, P < 0,05), večji obseg oksidacije proteinov (59,5 % večja vsebnost karbonilnih skupin, P < 0,05) in slabšo sposobnost vezave vode (35,5 % večja izceja mesnega soka ter 21 % večje izgube pri kuhanju, P < 0,05) v primerjavi s kastrati. Vse zgoraj naštete lastnosti lahko pojasnijo ugotovljeno večjo trdoto mesa ta je bila pri merjascih večja za 36,6 % (P < 0,05). Due to the foreseen ban of surgical castration of piglets in the EU, a need for research of alternatives is emerging. One of them is rearing of entire males. This alternative has some advantages over surgical castrates, but there are indications that entire males have different meat properties. One of the problems is increased toughness of meat, etiology of which has not yet been researched. The aim of this study was to find out if there are differences in meat tenderness between entire and castrated males and how to explain them. In the present study carcass traits (DM5), meat quality traits (pH, colour, drip loss, shear force) and chemical composition (proteins, intramuscular fat, water, pigment concentration of collagen and protein oxidation) were measured. Results were analysed with statistical software SAS. It could be concluded that meat of entire males has more collagen (34.5%, P < 0.05), less intramuscular fat (66%, P < 0.05), higher protein oxidation (59.5% higher content of carbonyl groups, P < 0.05), and lower water holding capacity (35.5% higher drip loss and 21% higher cooking loss, P < 0.05) than castrates. All of the above listed differences in meat properties can explain the observed lower meat tenderness (36.6%, P < 0.05) in entire males. |