Autor: Tkalec, Peter
Přispěvatelé: Dežman, Zlatan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: S pojmom resnice se ukvarja predvsem filozofija, sposojajo pa si ga tudi druge znanosti in stroke. Tako je pojem resnice najprej filozofska kategorija, šele nato moralno-etična, psihološka, pravna … V filozofiji se je oblikovalo več skupin teorij resnic, najbolj znane so korespondenčne, varčne in epistemske teorije resnice. Za pravo, predvsem civilno, je značilna konsenzualna teorija resnice, za kazensko pa, tako trdi večina avtorjev, korespondenčna. Korespondenčna teorija resnice ima za resničen tisti stavek, ki je skladen z realnostjo. Vendar je v kazenskem procesnem pravu preveč zavestnih odstopanj od realne slike, zato je primerneje govoriti, da v kazenskem procesnem pravu velja ena od epistemskih teorij resnice, in sicer konstruktivistična. Slednja še vedno priznava veljavo korespondenčni, a hkrati opozarja tudi na aktivno udeležbo človeka pri oblikovanju končne resnice. Največje ovire pri iskanju resnice v kazenskem postopku predstavljajo dokazne prepovedi, ki ščitijo predvsem človekove pravice, poleg teh pa poznamo še nekatere druge ovire, ki ne izhajajo nujno iz zakona, temveč so človeške narave. The term truth is generally studied by philosophy, but the term is also used by other sciences and professions. This means that truth is philosphical term first, in second place is moral-ethical, psychological, juridical etc. There is more groups of theories of truth formed in philosopy. The most known are correspondence theories, minimalist theories and epistemic theories. The consensus theory is typical for the purpose of law, especially for the civil law. On the other hand, correspondence theory, argued by the majority of lecturers, is accepted in criminal law. Correspondence theory argues that a true statement is the one that is in accordance with reality. But in criminal processual law there is too many wilful deviations from reality. That is why one of the epistemic theories, so called constructivist theory, is proper for the purpose of criminal processual law. Constructivist theory still acknowledges correspondence theory but also points at our active participation in forming the final truth. The greatest impediments at truth finding in criminal procedure are evidentiary prohibitions, which shields human rights mostly. There are also some other obstacles, not originating in law on criminal procedure, which are of human nature.
Databáze: OpenAIRE