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V diplomskem delu je prikazana analiza celovite energetske sanacije večstanovanjske stavbe z dvajsetimi etažnimi enotami in izboljšanimi bivalnimi pogoji lastnikov. Vključuje pridobitev nepovratnih finančnih spodbud, uporabo rezervnega sklada ter dejansko izvedbo energetske sanacije v skladu z veljavnim stanovanjskim zakonom (SZ-1) Republike Slovenije. Računske analize prikazujejo različne stopnje sanacije, s katerimi smo ugotovili, da je energetsko sanirana večstanovanjska stavba v skladu z zahtevami Direktive o energetski učinkovitosti (2012/27/EU), ki ima nacionalni cilj zmanjšanja celotne energije za 20 % do leta 2020. Ta cilj vključuje tudi Slovenijo, katera v letu 2020 naj ne bi presegla 7,125 mio. toe (82,86 TWh) primarne energije. Rezultati kažejo, da dodatni ukrepi znatno zmanjšajo toplotne mostove, znižajo porabo toplotne energije in tako vplivajo na kakovostnejše bivanje v večstanovanjski stavbi. The purpose of the graduation thesis is to present a complete energy restoration of multi-apartment building with twenty floor units, and to improve living conditions of the owners. I will include obtain of non-repayable financial incentives, use of reserve fund, and present implementation in accordance with the applicable Housing Act-1 (SZ-1) of the Republic of Slovenia. I will suggest different levels of energy restoration, implement calculation analyses, and prove that energy restored multi-apartment building is in accordance with the requirements of the Directive on the energy performance (2012/27/EZ), the national objective of which is a reduction of the entire energy for 20% until 2020. This objective also includes Slovenia, in which the primary energy in 2020 shall not exceed 7.125 mio. toe (82,85 TWh). The results indicate that additional measures significantly reduce thermal bridges, reducing the consumption of thermal energy and thus affect the quality of staying in the multi-apartment building. |