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Računalniške igre so programi, ki se uporabljajo za zabavo. Obstaja več platform, na katerih lahko igre poganjamo, razdelimo pa jih na eno-igralske in več-igralske. Igre že dalj časa prevladujejo na več-igralskem mrežnem načinu igranja. Namen diplomskega dela je predstavitev več-igralstva in implementacija igre "Človek ne jezi se". V prvem delu diplomskega dela je povzeta zgodovina več-igralskih računalniških iger ter njihov razvoj skozi čas. Sledi obrazložitev in opis tehnologij, ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo teh iger. V drugem delu diplomskega dela so te tehnologije prikazane v izbranem programskem jeziku. Opisan je postopek izdelave večigralske igre "Človek ne jezi se", ki je izdelana kot glavni produkt diplomskega dela. Computer games are programs, that are used for entertainment. There are several platforms on which you can run games, and we divide them to singleplayer and multiplayer. Games have long been prevailing in the multiplayer network gaming. The goal of this thesis is to present multiplayer games and implementation of game called "Ludo". In the first part of the thesis, the history of multiplayer computer games and their development through time is summarized, followed by an explanation and description of the technologies, used to make these games. In the second part of the thesis, these technologies are displayed in selected programming language. As main product of the thesis I describe a method of developing multiplayer game "Ludo". |