Autor: Justinek, Mihaela
Přispěvatelé: Križmarić, Miljenko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Kateterizacija je uvajanje gumijastega ali plastičnega katetra v mehur skozi sečno cev (uretro). Bolnik potrebuje kateter, kadar sam ne more kontrolirati uriniranja ali pa ima zastoj urina (retenco). Bolnik z vstavljenim urinskim katetrom mora biti deležen posebnega zdravljenja. Izpraznjen polnilni balon katetra povzroči, da urinski kateter izpade in lahko pride hitreje do okužbe. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati, ali prihaja do izgubljanja destilirane vode v polnilnem balonu Foleyevega urinskega katetra pri bolnikih, ki jih obiskujejo patronažne medicinske sestre, pri bolnikih v domskem varstvu in pri hospitaliziranih bolnikih, ki so deležni perioperativnega posega. Raziskovalna metodologija: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Vzorec bolnikov (n = 52), ni bil normalno porazdeljen, zato smo uporabljali neparametrične statistične teste. Statistično razliko med vbrizgano in aspirirano tekočino smo izračunali s student t-testom. Pri parnih vzorcih smo uporabili statistični Mann-Whitneyev U-test, pri neparnih vzorcih pa Wilcoxon test predznačenih rangov. Ugotoviti smo želeli dinamiko izgube destilirane vode v polnilnem balonu katetra v določenem časovnem obdobju, od vstavitve katetra in do trenutka, ko se kateter odstrani. Katetri so glede na čas bili različno dolgo vstavljeni. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da prihaja do izgube destilirane vode iz polnilnega balona urinskega katetra. Do največje izgube prihaja pri bolnikih na domu in pri bolnikih, ki so v domskem varstvu. Razlog temu je, da imajo ti bolniki dolgotrajno vstavljene urinske katetre. Pri njih se menjavajo katetri približno na štiri do šest tednov. Primerjali smo izgubo tekočine pri bolnikih na domu, ki jih obiskuje patronažna medicinska sestra, in pri bolnikih v Lambrechtovem domu ter ugotovili, da je razlika statistično pomembna (p < 0,035). Povprečna količina vbrizgane destilirane vode v polnilni balon urinskega katetra je bila 10,275 mililitra. Povprečna vrednost izbrizgane destilirane vode iz polnilnega balona urinskega katetra, ko je bil kateter odstranjen ali zamenjan, pa je bila 8,859 mililitrov. Dokazali smo statistično pomembnost (p < 0,05). Pri katetrih številka 16 in številka 20 je izguba destilirane vode statistično pomembna (p < 0,043). Sklep: Analiza rezultatov pokaže, da se izgublja destilirana voda iz polnilnih balonov urinskih katetrov. In urinary catheterization a latex or plastic tube also known as the catheter is inserted into the bladder via the patient's urethra. A patient needs a catheter when he cannot control urination or when he has a urinary retention. A patient with an inserted urinary catheter must receive special treatment. If the balloon of the catheter is emptied the urinary catheter can fall out which can result in faster infection. The purpose of the research was to determine whether loss of distilled water in the balloon of the Foley urinary catheter occurs with patients who are taken care of by home-care nurses, patients in retirement homes and hospitalized patients in the perioperative procedure period. Research methodology: The research was based on quantitative methodology. The sample of patients was unevenly organized, that is why we used non-parametric statistical tests. The statistical difference between the injected and aspirated fluid was calculated with the student's t-test. We used the Mann-Whitney statistical U-test with even samples and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with odd samples. We wished to determine the dynamics of distilled water loss in the Foley catheter balloon during specific times ranging from the insertion of the catheter to its removal. The catheters were inserted for various long time periods. Results: Results of the research show, that distilled water loss in the catheter balloon indeed occurs. The largest losses occur with patients in retirement homes and patients who are at home. The main reason for this is the fact, that these patients have their urinary catheters inserted for long periods of time. Their urinary catheters are usually replaced after 4 to 6 weeks. We compared the loss of distilled water between patients who were at home and treated by home-care nurses to those who were at the retirement home Lambrecht. We found the difference to be statistically significant (p < 0,035). The average amount of injected distilled solution into the catheter balloon was 10,275 ml. The average amount of extracted distilled solution from the catheter balloon when it was removed was 8,859 ml. We proved the statistical significance (p < 0,05). The loss of distilled water with catheters no. 16 and 20 was statistically significant (p < 0,043). Conclustion: The analysis of data shows that distilled water from the urinary catheter balloons is lost.
Databáze: OpenAIRE