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Teoretična izhodišča: Motociklisti spadajo med najbolj ogrožene udeležence v prometu, smrtnost je še vedno velika, znanje prve pomoči laikov pa slabo. Namen diplomske naloge je bil predstaviti varno vožnjo motociklistov, najpogostejše poškodbe pri prometnih nezgodah in nudenje prve pomoči ponesrečencu. Opisali smo pristop k poškodovanemu motociklistu po principu International Trauma Life Support (ITLS). Raziskovalne metode: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo delo, kjer smo uporabili aktualno strokovno literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. V empiričnem delu pa smo uporabili kvantitativno tehniko zbiranja podatkov ter kot inštrument raziskave vključili še spletni anketni vprašalnik s 30 vprašanji zaprtega tipa. Pridobljene podatke, ki so nam jih podali motociklisti s petdesetimi izpolnjenimi spletnimi anketami, smo statistično obdelali, jih grafično prikazali ter opisali z opisno statistiko. Rezultati: Rezultati na spletno anketo so pokazali, da je znanje iz prve pomoči pri motociklistih prisotno, vendar je še vedno kar nekaj odstopanj od pravilnih odgovorov. Motociklisti menijo, da vozijo varno (96 %), 78 % jih uživa v hitri vožnji, večina se jih ne drži cestnih omejitev, več kot polovica se na cesti počuti ogrožene (62 %) in četrtina med vožnjo uživa občasno alkohol. Večina motociklistov (88 %) se zaveda, da spadajo med ranljive udeležence v cestnem prometu. Sklep: Motociklisti morajo biti v dobri psihofizični pripravljenosti, prav tako pa tudi imeti brezhiben motocikel za varno vožnjo v prometu. Kljub različnim ukrepom, ki se izvajajo v upanju, da bi bila prometna varnost v Sloveniji boljša, je pomembno previdno posameznikovo ravnanje v cestnem prometu. Znanje iz nudenja prve pomoči bi bilo potrebno osveževati, da bi lahko v primeru prometne nezgode ustrezno in samozavestno ukrepali ter preprečili hujše posledice poškodovancu ali celo rešili nekomu dragoceno življenje. Theoretical basis: Motorcycle riders are among the most vulnerable road users. Mortality in this group is remaining high and knowledge of first aid is bad. The purpose of the thesis was to present a safe way of driving for the motorcycle riders, the most common injuries in traffic accidents, and first aid techniques. We describe an approach to an injured motorcycle rider by the principle of International Trauma Life Support (ITLS). Research methodology: In the theoretical part, we have used the descriptive method of work, where we have used the current professional literature in Slovenian and English language. In the empirical part, we have used the quantitative techniques of data collection and as an instrument of research we have included an online questionnaire with 30 questions of closed type. The acquired data from the fifty motorcyclists that completed an online survey were statistically analysed, graphically demonstrated and described by descriptive statistics. Results: The results of the online questionnaire showed that knowledge of first aid among motorcycle riders is present, but there are still quite a few deviations from the correct answers. Motorcycle riders believe that they are driving safely (96 %), 78 % of them enjoy driving fast. Most of them drive differently from road restrictions, more than half of them feel they are threatened on the road (62 %), and a quarter of them is enjoying occasional alcohol while driving. Most motorcycle riders (88 %) are aware that they belong to vulnerable road users. Conclusion: A motorcycle rider must be prepared well physically and mentally, and have a flawless motorcycle to drive safely in traffic. Despite various measures undertaken in the hope that road safety in Slovenia would be better, it is important to take caution of the individual's behaviour in road traffic. Knowledge of first aid should be refreshed periodically, therefore, we could use it in traffic accident cases appropriately and confidently take action to prevent serious consequences of the injured or even save someone’s precious life. |