Stress and Stress Management Methods in the Workplace of the Company Cablex - M d.o.o

Autor: Korent, Petra
Přispěvatelé: Šarotar Žižek, Simona
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V današnji družbi, ki na ljudi pritiska z vse več zahtevami, je prisotnost stresa zelo visoka. Stres je v sodobnem času postal eden izmed glavnih povzročiteljev bolezni. Stresorje najdemo tako v domačem okolju kot tudi na delovnih mestih v organizacijah (podjetjih). Potencialni vzroki za stres v domačem okolju so lahko že preprosta dnevna opravila, kot sta discipliniranje otrok in opravljanje gospodinjskih opravil. Morebitni razlogi za stres na delovnem mestu so nerazumljiva poklicna vloga, pomanjkanje opore s strani delodajalca ali sodelavcev, razmejitev med delom in nedelom ipd. Poznamo več različnih vrst stresa. Mnogo avtorjev opisuje identične, a hkrati neenake opredelitve stresa. Dokler je prisotnost stresa majhna, govorimo o pozitivnem in koristnem stresu. Kadar pa se stresorji povečujejo in trajajo dlje časa, pa govorimo o negativnem stresu. Negativni stres lahko pušča posledice in povzroča simptome tako na duševni kot tudi na fizični ravni. Znaki stresa se lahko odražajo na fizični (telesni), psihični (čustveni) in vedenjski ravni (obnašanje). Na začetku se morajo ljudje seznaniti z znaki stresa, kar pa ni lahko. Prav zato je o simptomih in posledicah stresa potrebno informirati čim več ljudi in organizacij. Pri preventivnem preprečevanju stresorjev si pomagamo z različnimi metodami in strategijami za obvladovanje stresa. Stres lahko obvladamo na več načinov. Obvladujemo ga lahko že s sprehodi, pogovori, poslušanjem glasbe, pa tudi z nekoliko dražjimi metodami. V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela smo prikazali prisotnost stresa na delovnem mestu, pri čemer nam je bilo v pomoč podjetje Cablex - M d. o. o. V podjetju smo zaposlenim razdelili anketne vprašalnike in s tem dobili podatke o prisotnosti stresa na delovnem mestu. V magistrskem delu smo prikazali vrednosti, ki smo jih dobili s pomočjo zbiranja podatkov. S pridobljenimi rezultati smo preverili zastavljene hipoteze. V zaključku magistrskega dela smo na podlagi rezultatov podali splošne ugotovitve in priporočila. The prevalence of stress in our society nowadays is quite high since social demands put more and more pressure on people. Stress is one of the main causes of disease nowadays. Stressors can be found in the home environment as well as in the workplace of organisations (companies). The potential causes of stress in the home environment can be simple daily chores, e.g. child discipline and household chores. Possible causes of stress in the workplace are incomprehensible occupational roles, lack of employer’s or co-workers’ support, the borderline between work and leisure, etc. There are several types of stress. Many authors describe identical but at the same time unequal definitions of stress. As long as the presence of stress is minimal, we talk about positive and useful stress. When the stressors increase and last longer, we talk about negative stress. Negative stress can have consequences and cause psychological as well as physical symptoms. Signs of stress can reflect on the physical (body), psychological (emotions) and behavioural (behaviour) level. It is important for people to get familiar with signs of stress which is often not easy. It is necessary, therefore, to inform people and organisations about stress symptoms and consequences. There are several stress management methods and strategies that help to prevent the occurrence of stressors. There are several ways to manage stress. Things like taking a walk, conversations and listening to music can help deal with stress. It is also manageable with other, more expensive methods. The empirical part of the dissertation focuses on the presence of stress in the workplace of the company Cablex-M (LLC). The employees were given survey questionnaires in order to acquire information about the presence of stress in the workplace. The dissertation presents the data acquired with the questionnaires. The acquired results served as basis for confirming or refuting previously determined hypotheses. The conclusion of the dissertation consists of general findings and recommendations that are based on the acquired information.
Databáze: OpenAIRE