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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Feminizem in marksizem v Zlati beležnici se ukvarja z analizo romana z vidika feminističnih in marksističnih motivov. Na začetku diplomskega dela sem predstavila pisateljico Doris Lessing, ki je za pričujoče delo prejela Nobelovo nagrado za literaturo. Roman Zlata beležnica se začne z naslovom Svobodne ženske. Svoboda se prepleta skozi celoten roman, navsezadnje tudi priimek glavnega ženskega lika Anne Freeman simbolno nakazuje na svobodnega človeka. Izid romana Zlata beležnica časovno sovpada z drugim valom feminizma, zato sem se najprej osredotočila na feminizem. Kot osnovo za raziskovanje feminizma sem izpostavila svobodno žensko in njen pogled na poroko, materinstvo, tabu, seksualnost in ujetost. V posameznih beležnicah sem poiskala misli, čustva in intimne izpovedi, v katerih se ti motivi odražajo. V romanu sem odstirala žensko doživljanje sveta, ki se rešuje tradicionalnih in moralnih okvirjev družbe. Od 1953 do 1956 je bila Doris Lessing včlanjena v komunistično partijo. V tretjem delu diplomskega dela sem idejno ozadje romana povezala z marksizmom. Najprej sem se dotaknila teorije marksizma in marksistične literarne kritike. Marksistične motive sem analizirala skozi aktualne debate znotraj komunistične partije, in sicer v Črni in Rdeči beležnici. Gre za motive, ki odkrito obravnavajo odnose med različnimi razredi v družbi. Hkrati sem marksizem postavila kot vzporednico za problematiziranje odnosa do umetniškega ustvarjanja. Ta se kaže v motivu umetnice in njenih razočaranj ob stikih z založniškimi hišami. Anna se na koncu kot individuum sprejme v vsej svoji razpršenosti in se na ta način osvobodi. The thesis entitled Feminism and Marxism in the The Golden Notebook analyses the novel from the perspective of feminist and Marxist motives. In the beginning of the thesis I will present the writer Doris Lessing, who received the Nobel Prize for literature for the discussed novel. The novel The Golden Handbook begins with the title Free women. Freedom is intertwined through the entire novel and finally even the surname of the main female character Anne Freeman symbolically points to a free man. The release of the novel The Golden Handbook timely coincides with the second wave of feminism, therefore I first focused on feminism. As the basis for the research of feminism I stressed out the free woman and her perspective on marriage, motherhood, taboo, sexuality and entrapment. In individual notebooks I searched for thoughts, feelings and intimate confessions, where these motives are being reflected. In the novel I searched for the female experiencing of the world, which is freeing itself from the traditional and moral frames of societies. From 1953 to 1956, Doris Lessing was a member of the Communist party. In the third part of the thesis I linked the conceptual background of the novel with Marxism. First I presented the theory of Marxism and the Marxist literary criticism. I analysed the Marxist motives through topical discussions within the party, namely in the Black and Red Notebooks. These are motives, which freely discuss relationships between different social classes. I also drew Marxism as a parallel for the problematization of the relationship towards artistic creation. This is reflected in the motive of the artist and in her disappointments over meetings with publishing houses. Anna finally accepts herself as an individual in all her diversification and thus frees herself. |