Usage optimisation of the orizonti orion weed row removal machine

Autor: Krajnc, Gregor
Přispěvatelé: Vindiš, Peter
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu smo testirali, kako različna vozna hitrost, kot uporabe vretena in naknadna uporaba okopalnika vplivajo na količino odstranjenih plevelov v sadovnjaku v pasu pod drevesi. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili stroj Orizzonti Orion, s katerim smo testirali nitkarja Ecology Kit in Speed Green ter okopalnik Orion. Nitkarja Ecology Kit in Speed Green smo testirali pri voznih hitrostih 2,2 km/h in 3,5 km/h, naknadno smo še nitkar Speed Green testirali pri 60° kotu vretena. Okopalnik Orion smo testirali pri vozni hitrosti 2,2 km/h samostojno, naknadno pa še v souporabi z nitkarjem Ecology Kit, kjer smo želeli ugotoviti, ali se upraviči dvojni prehod. Rezultate smo merili dvakrat prve meritve smo opravili takoj po odstranjevanju, druge pa po dveh tednih po odstranjevanju. Poskus se je izvajal na posestvu kmetijsko gozdarskega zavoda Maribor v Gačniku, ki je v lasti Kmetijsko gozdarske zbornice Slovenije. Najslabše rezultate smo dosegli pri samostojni obdelavi z okopalnikom Orion zaradi višine in gostote plevelov, saj je preživela večina plevelov, edini odstranjeni pleveli so bili samo najmanjši pleveli do višine 5 cm. Za ostale smo ocenili, da so bili samo zamaknjeni in so po obdelavi normalno nadaljevali z rastjo. Pri primerjavi vozne hitrosti 2,2 km/h in 3,5 km/h z nitkarjema Ecology Kit in Speed Green smo prišli do zaključka da smo pri vozni hitrosti 2,2 km/h v obeh primerih dosegli mnogo boljše rezultate, zaradi količine odstranjenih plevelov takoj po tretiranju in višine plevelov ter zaraščenosti pasu s pleveli, ki smo jih izmerili pri na drugih meritvah. Naknadna uporaba okopalnika za nitkarjem se je izkazala za neopravičeno. Zaključujemo, da smo najboljše rezultate dosegli pri obdelavi z nitkarjem Speed Green pri vozni hitrosti 2,2 km/h in zamiku vretena za kot 60° kot zaradi količine odstranjenega plevela in širine obdelanega pasu takoj po odstranjevanju ter višine plevela na drugih meritvah. In the diploma paper we tested different driving speed, the angle of the spindle and the subsequent use of the cultivator, on the the amount of removed weeds in the orchard in the area below the tree. During the research we used the Orizzonti Orion machine equipped with the brusher Ecology Kit and Speed Green and the cultivator Orion. The brusher Ecology Kit and Speed Green were tested at driving speed 2.2 km/h and 3.5 km/h, in addition we tested brusher Speed Green at 60 ° angle of the spindle. The cultivator Orion was tested at a speed of 2.2 km/h independently and subsequently together with the brusher Ecology Kit, where we wanted to find out the effectiveness on the results. The results were measured twice the first measurements were made immediately after the removal of weeds, and the second were done after two weeks after removal. The experiment was carried out on the property of the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor in Gačnik, owned by the Slovene Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. The worst results were achieved in self-cultivation with a cultivator due to the height and density of weeds, as most weeds survived, the only weeds removed were the smallest weeds up to the height of 5 cm. For the rest, we estimated that they were only offset and later they continued to grow. After comparing the driving speeds 2.2 km/h and 3.5 km/h of Ecology Kit and Speed Green, we found out that by the 2.2 km/h driving speed much better results were achieved in both cases due to the amount of weeds removed immediately after the pruning the height of the weeds as well as the overgrowth of the weed belt. The subsequent use of the cultivator Orion after the brusher was found to be unreasonable regarding the cost of the double passage. We concluded that the best results were obtained in the treatment with the brusher Speed Green at a speed of 2.2 km/h and a spindle shift at 60 ° since the most of weeds were removed and the width of the treated belt immediately after pruning and also compared to height of the weeds over the course of the second measurements.
Databáze: OpenAIRE