Autor: Farič, Valerija
Přispěvatelé: Javornik Krečič, Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Pouk je zelo kompleksen proces, v katerem se odvijajo številne dejavnosti učiteljev in učencev z namenom doseganja vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev. Razumevanje pouka se je skozi zgodovino močno spreminjalo. Nova didaktično-metodična spoznanja in razvoj sodobne tehnologije so šolstvu prinesle številne možnosti za pester in raznolik pouk, ki je v današnjem času veliko bolj ustrezen za učence, saj omogoča upoštevanje njihovih individualnih zmožnosti in posebnosti in jih postavlja v enakovreden položaj z učitelji. Kako bo učitelj dane didaktično-metodične možnosti izkoristil, je odvisno od njegovih profesionalnih in osebnih kompetenc ter značilnosti. Seveda mora pri njihovi izbiri upoštevati vsebino in vzgojno-izobraževalne cilje. Učiteljevo ravnanje pa ni edino, ki je pri doseganju slednjih pomembno, učenčeva lastna aktivnost je tista, od katere je odvisen njegov uspeh. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo preučili funkcije, naloge in cilje pouka, učenje in poučevanje kot temeljni dejavnosti v tem procesu, ter predstavili dejavnike, ki ga oblikujejo. Pozornost smo namenili tudi za učence zelo zahtevnim dejavnostim preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja. Pri tem smo se v nadaljevanju osredotočili na pouk slovenščine in v empiričnem delu predstavili rezultate raziskave o značilnostih pouka slovenščine v slovenskih osnovnih šolah z vidika učencev. Zanimalo nas je, kakšno je ravnanje učiteljev v odnosih do učencev, pri njihovi komunikaciji, upoštevanju nekaterih didaktičnih načel in pred, med ter po preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja. Prav tako smo raziskali, kako pogosto se po mnenju učencev učitelji slovenščine poslužujejo posameznih didaktičnih metod, oblik in sredstev in kako ravni manjših učnih skupin, v katere so učenci vključeni glede na lastne učne zmožnosti, vplivajo na izbiro teh. Ugotovili smo, da je ravnanje učiteljev, ki so bili v raziskavo zajeti, več ali manj vedno ali pogosto ustrezno, da pa so odnosi med njimi in učenci, ki so učno manj uspešni in sposobni, slabši, kar vpliva tudi na njihove ocene o pogostosti ustreznih dejanj učiteljev slovenščine. V veliki meri pa je tudi od slednjih odvisno, kakšno je njihovo splošno in didaktično-metodično ravnanje. Lessons are a very complex process involving numerous activities of both teachers and students with the aim of achieving educational objectives. The understanding of the concept of lessons has changed throughout history. New didactic and methodological findings and the development of modern technologies have brought schools numerous possibilities of offering diverse lessons, which are much more appropriate for the students of today, as they offer the possibility of considering their individual abilities and special characteristics and position them alongside teachers. How teachers actually use the available didactic and methodological possibilities depends on their professional and personal competencies and characteristics. When choosing them, the content and educational objectives also have to be considered. The teacher’s actions are not the only important factor in achieving the latter. The student’s success depends on their own activity. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis studies the functions, tasks, and objectives of lessons, teaching and learning as the main activities in this process, and presents the factors affecting it. Attention has also been paid to knowledge assessment activities, which are demanding for students. The paper further focuses on lesson in Slovenian and the empirical part presents the results of a study on the characteristics of lessons in Slovenian in Slovenian primary schools as seen by students. We were interested in the teachers’ actions in their relationships with the students, their communication, consideration of individual didactic principles, and activities before, during and after knowledge assessment. We further studied how often the interviewed students see teachers of Slovenian use individual didactic methods, forms and means, and how the levels of small study groups, in which students are included on the basis of their learning abilities, affect the choice of these methods. It has been established that the teachers included in our study predominantly act more or less appropriately, however relationships between teachers and less successful or capable students are worse, which in turn affects their assessment of the frequency of appropriate actions by teachers of Slovenian. The general, didactic, and methodical actions of the latter also mostly depend on themselves.
Databáze: OpenAIRE