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Terorizem predstavlja eno izmed največjih groženj današnji moderni družbi. Še posebej veliko grožnjo predstavlja biološki terorizem, ki je zaradi svojih nepredstavljivih posledic na civilno prebivalstvo ena najbolj krutih in sprevrženih metod teroristov pred katero ni nihče varen. Zato sem v diplomskem delu opredelil biološki terorizem, njegove začetke, in sredstva katera teroristi uporabljajo v namen biološkega orožja. Prav tako pa sem v diplomski nalogi opisal varnostne postopke v primeru biološkega terorizma v RS in varnostne ukrepe ter navedel in opisal tudi primer ukrepanja v primeru sumljive pisemske pošiljke v RS. V diplomskem delu smo tako ugotovili, da biološki terorizem v Republiki Sloveniji ne predstavlja resne grožnje, saj do danes v zgodovini RS ni bilo še nobenega napada. Kljub nizki stopnji ogroženosti, je RS ustrezno pripravljena na napad po standardih, ki so primerljivi glede na stopnjo ogroženosti z drugimi državami. Terrorism represents one of the greatest threats to modern society. In particular, bio-terrorism represent a major threat, which is due to its unimaginable consequences for the civilian population whic is one of the most cruel and perverse methods of terrorists from which nobody is safe. Therefore, I am in the thesis identified bioterrorism , its origins , and means which terrorists used for the purpose of biological weapons. I am also in the thesis described the security procedures in the event of bioterrorism in the RS and safety measures , and stated and described as an example of action in the event of suspicious letters in the RS . In this thesis work , we discovered that biological terrorism in the Republic of Slovenia does not pose a serious threat, because to this day in the history of the Republic of Slovenia has not yet been ern attack. Despite the low level of threat to the RS is adequately prepared for the attack with the standards that are comparable to the level of threat of the other countries. |