Autor: Fišer, Laura
Přispěvatelé: Sternad, Simona
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Zametki informacijske tehnologije segajo že v čas pred našim štetjem. Konec 19. stoletja je prinesel pomembne izume, kot so telefon, radio … Resne začetke mikroelektronike, računalnikov in telekomunikacij pa uvrščamo v čas okrog leta 1970. Pojem internet, ki ga lahko opredelimo kot ogromno globalno mrežo, pa lahko uvrstimo v leto 1982. Internet je posegel v vse sfere družbe, nepogrešljiv je tudi v znanosti, politiki, šolstvu, zdravstvu, ekonomiji … Internet je močno posegel tudi po bančništvu in nam omogoča novo realnost poslovanja z bankami. Danes za banke elektronsko bančništvo ne predstavlja več konkurenčne prednosti, pač pa nujno obliko za obstoj na trgu. Omogoča nam udobnejše in hitrejše opravljanje storitev kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Prednosti elektronskega bančništva se kažejo predvsem v prihranku časa, ni nam potrebno spremljati odpiralnega časa bank, prihranimo nekaj živcev, ker se nam ni treba prebijati skozi čakalne vrste, imamo realen vpogled na bančno stanje, smo sproti obveščeni o prilivih in odlivih ipd. Pomanjkljivosti pri spletnem bančništvu lahko nastanejo predvsem pri zagotavljanju potrebne računalniške opreme in nestabilni povezavi na internet. Ključen dejavnik tega modernega poslovanja pa predstavljata varnost in zaupnost podatkov, česar se zavedajo tudi banke, ki skušajo kar se da hitro posodabljati svoje operacijske sisteme in uporabljati najvarnejšo tehnologijo, ki zagotavlja skoraj popolno varnost, žal pa ne absolutne varnosti. Okolje, v katerem delujejo banke, je dinamično in spremenljivo, zato se morajo banke prilagajati spremenljivemu okolju, če želijo ostati uspešne. Na primeru treh vodilnih slovenskih bank – NLB d. d., Nova KBM d. d. in Abanka Vipa d. d. – smo ugotovili prav to, da je vsem trem bankam težko slediti potrebam potrošnikov, kaj šele biti konkurenčni. Vse banke se na svoj način trudijo prilagajati, kar se kaže tudi v podobnostih njihovih storitev. The beginnings of information technology go back in time, even BC. But the end of the 19th century is the period that brought us important inventions: telephone, radio. But the serious starting position of the micro-electronics, computers and telecommunications can be placed in the 70s. The use of term »Internet«, as we now call the huge, worldwide web, started in 1982. The Internet took roots in all the spheres of the society, being indispensable in science, politics, school system, health care, economics… The internet also intervened in banking and enabled us to see and use the new reality in doing business with banks. Online banking today is not a competitive advantage but a necessary condition for a bank, not only to succeed but also to survive on the market. Using online banking we can do our banking faster and in a more comfortable way, wherever and whenever we choose. The main advantage of online banking is definitely in saving time. There is no need to pay attention to bank's working hours, there is no need to wait endlessly in the queues – which can spare our nerves quite a bit - there is a complete insight to our account in no time and we are immediately informed about any cash flows in it. The disadvantages regarding online banking can be found mostly in finding the right computer equipment and in unstable internet connections. But the key factor in doing this modern business is the safety and the confidentiality of the data involved. This has also become the greatest concern for any bank in question so they are constantly trying to upgrade their operating systems as quick as possible, using only the safest technology this can guarantee us the highest levels of security but we can never be 100% sure. The working enviroment of banks is dynamic and very changeable and all the banks need to adapt to changes very quickly in order to stay successful. Analyzing the three of the slovenian leading banks NLB d.d., Nova KBM d.d. and Abanka Vipa d.d. we established the fact that it is very hard for those banks to adjust to the growing needs of the customers, even more so to stay in the competition. But all the banks are.
Databáze: OpenAIRE