Effects of elelmentary ball games on motor abilities development in preschool children

Autor: Lipovec, Živa
Přispěvatelé: Muhič, Miran
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vpliv elementarnih iger z žogo na razvoj motoričnih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok smo predstavili, kako elementarne igre z žogo vplivajo na razvoj motoričnih sposobnosti predšolskih otrok. Delo smo razdelili na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pomen gibanja za otroka, gibalni razvoj otroka, motorične sposobnosti predšolskih otrok in elementarne igre. Nato smo se posvetili pomenu, nalogam, uporabnosti elementarnih iger in elementarnim igram z žogo na splošno. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili, kako redno izvajanje elementarnih iger vpliva na razvoj motoričnih sposobnosti otrok. Pri tem smo uporabili motorične teste – eksperimentalno metodo. Udeleženci eksperimentalne skupine so velik poudarek namenjali igram z žogo, medtem ko so otroci kontrolne skupine sledili letnemu delavnemu načrtu skupine. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili kvantitativno tehniko. Kot merski instrument smo uporabili 14 motoričnih testov. V eksperimentu so sodelovali otroci drugega starostnega obdobja, in sicer homogena oddelka. Otroci so bili stari 5 do 6 let. Tako v eksperimentalni kot kontrolni skupini je sodelovalo 19 otrok. Empirični del naloge smo izvajali v Vrtcu Slovenske Konjice, enota Slomškova. Na podlagi rezultatov, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo eksperimenta, lahko trdimo, da obstajajo razlike v motoričnih sposobnostih predšolskih otrok, ki so deležni načrtovanih in strokovno vodenih elementarnih iger z žogo, in otrok, ki nimajo načrtovanih in strokovno vodenih elementarnih iger z žogo. In the thesis Effects of Elementary Ball Games on Motor Abilities Development in Preschool Children, we present how elementary ball games influence the development of motor abilities and skills in preschool children. The work is divided into a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part introduces the importance of children's movements, the motor development of the child, the motor skills of preschool children and elementary games. Furthermore, we focuse on the meaning, tasks, usefulness of elementary games and elementary ball games in general. In the empirical part, it is manifested how the regular implementation of elementary games influences the development of motor abilities of children. To support it the motor ability tests were used – an experimental method. The participants of the experimental group put great emphasis on ball games, while the children of the control group followed the curriculum of the age group. The quantitative technique was used to collect the research data in the experiment. 14 different motor tests were used as a measuring instrument. The children of the second age period, namely a homogeneous class, were involved in the experiment. The children participating were 5 to 6 years old and 19 children participants were involved in both, experimental and control groups. The empirical part of the task was carried out at the Slovenske Konjice Kindergarten, Slomšek unit. Based on the results obtained through the experiment, it is evident that there are significant differences in the motor abilities of pre-school children who receive planned and professionally managed elementary ball games, and the ones who do not have planned and professionally managed elementary ball games.
Databáze: OpenAIRE