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Teoretična izhodišča: Starost v seboj prinese veliko sprememb, ki nekaterim starostnikom prinese posledično tudi stiske. Od vsakega posameznika je odvisno, kako se na starost pripravi, zato imajo spremembe na nekatere velik vpliv, nekateri pa jih sprejemajo povsem normalno. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti starost in staranje ter z raziskavo ugotoviti s kakšnimi starostnimi spremembami in posledično tudi stiskami se starostniki srečujejo in kje v primeru stiske poiščejo pomoč. Metodologija raziskovanja: V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Raziskava je osnovana na kvantitativni metodologiji. Izvedena je bila med vsemi člani upokojenskega društva severovzhodnega dela Slovenije. Anketni vprašalnik je sestavljalo 18 vprašanj, odprtega, zaprtega in kombiniranega tipa. Rezultati: 97 % anketiranih se je strinjalo, da je staranje normalen pojav in da so starostne spremembe dobro premagovali (67 %). Osivelost las in slabovidnost sta najpogosteje pojavljeni starostni spremembi. Bolezen in izguba bližnjih sta stiski, ki jih je zaradi starostnih sprememb doživljalo 47 % anketirancev. Najpogostejši vzrok za le-te pa sta bili finančna stiska in zdravstvene težave. Pomoč v primeru stiske poišče le 15 % starostnikov. Imajo veliko prostočasnih aktivnosti. 48 % anketiranih je s svojo starostjo delno zadovoljna. Diskusija in zaključek: Staranju nihče od nas ne more uiti. Prav tako ne starostnim spremembam in drugim težavam, ki jih vsakodnevno srečujemo. Dobro je, da se na samo starost dobro pripravimo, tako se lahko pozneje izognemo nepotrebnim stiskam, ki nas lahko pretijo. Theoretical basis: Age brings a lot of changes along with itself, which consequently causes distress in a number of elderly people. It depends on each individual how they prepare for old age, therefore the changes can be influential to some, while others accept the changes normally. The purpose of the diploma is to present age and aging, and finding out what age-related changes (and consequently, distress) elderly people encounter and where in the event of distress they seek help. Methodology of research: In the diploma we used a descriptive method of work. The research is based on quantitative methodology. It was carried out among all members of the retired society in the north-eastern part of Slovenia. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions - open, closed and combined. Results: 97 % of respondents agreed that aging is a normal phenomenon and that they have overcome the age changes well (67 %). The greying of hair and becoming visually impaired are the most commonly seen age changes. Illness and loss of loved ones are types of distress that 47 % of respondents experienced as a result of age changes. The most common cause for them were financial issues and health problems. Only 15 % of the elderly seek help in case of distress. They have a lot of leisure activities. 48 % of respondents are partially satisfied with their age. Discussion and conclusion: None of us can escape aging. Neither age changes nor other problems that we encounter every day. It is good that we prepare ourselves for aging well, so that we can later avoid unnecessary pressures that can threaten us. |