The need of Supervision among health care students

Autor: Volmajer, Katja
Přispěvatelé: Čuček Trifkovič, Klavdija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Izhodišče: Supervizija se v svetu razvija zlasti na tistih področjih, kjer so strokovni delavci v tesnih odnosih z ljudmi in kjer je človeško – strokoven stik tisti, ki medialno posreduje strokovnjakova znanja z namenom suporta, pomoči, intervencij in terapije v primeru različnih težav in stanj. Študenti zdravstvene nege bodo opravljali poklic, ki sodi med »poklice pomoči«. S supervizijo si študenti pridobijo boljši vpogled, podporo in strokovno vodenje za svoje delo. Namen supervizije študentske prakse ni zgolj razvijanje jasnejše slike o svojem delu in razvijanje dodatnih veščin, temveč je predvsem spoznanje s pojmom in pomenom supervizije kot potrebe in pravice strokovnjaka v poklicu pomoči. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti supervizijo, ugotoviti potrebo študentov zdravstvene nege po superviziji ter spoznati vlogo poklicne refleksije v času študija. Metodologija: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda. Empirični del temelji na kvantitativnem raziskovanju. Raziskavo smo izvedli s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Raziskovalni vzorec je obsegal 50 študentov absolventov rednega dodiplomskega študijskega programa Zdravstvena nega, ki so v 3. letniku opravljali obveznosti iz predmeta supervizije. Rezultati: Večina študentov je vstopala v predmetno področje supervizije brez predhodnega znanja o superviziji. Pri predmetu so pridobili izkušnje glede komunikacije, refleksije, strpnosti, novih način odzivanj na različne situacije in učenja iz izkušenj. Supervizorje opisujejo kot zanesljive, objektivne, empatične in strokovne osebe z bogatimi izkušnjami in znanjem. Vsi anketiranci so mnenja, da je supervizija potrebna za osebni in strokovni razvoj profesionalca v zdravstveni negi. Zaključek: Supervizija je potrebna za študente zdravstvene nege, ker jim omogoča varno učno okolje, ki temelji na potrebah in interesih študentov. Kombinacija teoretičnega znanja in prakse privede študente do globljega razumevanja poklicne vloge in boljših kliničnih spretnosti. Theoretical basis: Worldwide, supervision is developing particularly in the fields, where expert workers are in tight relations with people and where it is humanly-professional contact the one, that medially interferes the expert's knowledge with the intention to support, help, intervene and therapy in the case of different problems and conditions. The students of medical care will perform nursing profession, which belongs to the »helping professions«. With supervision the students acquire better insight, support and professional guidance for their work. The intention of the supervision of student's practice is not just developing a clearer picture of their work and developing additional skills, than it is mostly the recognition with the idea and the meaning of the supervision as a need and the right of an expert in the help profession. The intention of the diploma is to present the supervision, to find out about the need of the nursing students for it, and to recognise the role of professional reflection during the study. Methodology: The descriptive method is used in the diploma. The empirical part is based on the quantitave research. The research was made with the help of a questionnaire. The research sample included 50 graduates of the last year of regular nursing study, which had supervision as a subject in their 3rd year of study. Results: Most students entered the field of supervision without previous knowledge of supervision. Listening to the subject they gathered experience about communication, reflection, tolerance, and new ways of reacting to different situations and learning from experience. The supervisors are described as reliable, objective, empathic and professional persons with a lot of experience and knowledge. All respondents are the opinion, that supervision is necessary for personal and professional development of an expert in nursing care. Conclusion: Supervision is required for nursing student, than it enables safe learning environment that is based on the needs and interests of the students. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practice leads to the deeper understanding of the professional role and better clinical skills.
Databáze: OpenAIRE