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Danes živimo v svetu, kjer sta postala aktivno preživljanje prostega časa in zdrav način življenja nujnost v vseh razvitih državah. Aktivno preživljamo tudi počitnice. V Rogaški Slatini deluje že od leta 2001 družinsko podjetje Grand Hotel Sava Rogaška, d. o. o., (v nadaljevanju GHSR). Podjetje želi s svojo prepoznavno ponudbo narediti korak naprej in se tako razlikovati od ostalih hotelskih ponudnikov v destinaciji. S politiko nenehnega vlaganja v kakovost nudijo gostom kakovostne hotelske storitve, s katerimi nagovarjajo zahtevnejše goste. Razen sodobnega konferenčnega centra, ponudbe visokokakovostne kulinarike in raznolikih dobropočutnih paketov, nudi podjetje od leta 2017 tudi zdravstveni produkt ROI Medico & Spa. Avtor magistrskega dela, ki je v GHSR zaposlen, želi v magistrski nalogi raziskati možnosti prodora podjetja z omenjenim produktom na nove trge. Kot strateško zanimiv je izbral arabski trg. Raziskava upravičenosti uvedbe novega zdravstvenega produkta na arabsko tržišče je povezana s spoznanjem, da ima v državah arabskega sveta večina prebivalcev prekomerno težo zaradi hitrega tempa življenja, narave dela in klimatskih pogojev. Prav to je razlog za porast srčnih in žilnih težav in zelo visok odstotek obolelosti prebivalstva za diabetesom tipa II. Zdravstveni produkt ROI Medico & Spa je usmerjen na ciljno skupino gostov, ki so pripravljeni za paket odšteti več od povprečnih obiskovalcev term, v zameno pa želijo zasebnost in visoko raven kakovosti storitve. Ključno vlogo pri prodoru na arabski trg imajo turstične agencije, ki že sodelujejo z arabskim trgom. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, razposlanega med agencije, smo izvedli anketiranje in rezultate analizirali. Rezultati so nam pomagali pri preverjanju hipotez. V prvem, teoretičnem delu magisterskega dela, smo predstavili značilnosti in vrste zdravstvenega turizma ter strategijo prodora na novi trg. Teoretično smo predstavili tudi arabski svet in njegovo kulturo, ki je pomembna pri poslovanju. Drugi del magistrskega dela je praktično naravnan. Gre za poslovno raziskavo, v kateri smo opisali zdravstveni turizem v Sloveniji in podrobneje opredelili zdraviliški turizem v Rogaški Slatini. Predstavili smo družinsko podjetje GHSR in pripravili SWOT analizo trga, ki nam je pokazala, s kakšnimi priložnostmi, nevarnostmi, slabostmi in prednostmi se lahko podjetje sreča ob predvideni naložbi v nov zdravstveni produkt. S pomočjo prve hipoteze smo ugotavljali, za kateri zdravstveni ali lepotni program se gostje iz arabskega sveta večinoma odločijo. Pri drugi in tretji hipotezi pa smo preverili, kje in kako predstavniki turističnih agencij tržijo zdravstvene storitve Grand Hotela Sava Rogaška, d. o. o., in kateri so ključni produkti za predstavitve zdravstvenih storitev v katalogih in na poslovnih sejmih. Pri zadnji, četrti hipotezi, smo primerjali zasedenost hotela in prihodek podjetja pred uvedbo novega zdravstvenega produkta ROI Medico & Spa in po uvedbi. To analizo smo opravili s pomočjo statističnih podatkov podjetja GHSR. Med raziskavo pa se je pokazala tudi raznovrstna problematika, zato smo nanjo v sklepnem delu opozorili in predlagali izboljšave. Today, we live in a world where active free time and healthy lifestyle have become an urgent need in all developed countries. We are also actively spending holidays. Since 2001, the family business Grand Hotel Sava Rogaška, d. o. o., (hereinafter referred to as the GHSR) has been operating in Rogaška Slatina. With its visibility, the company wants to make a step forward and start to differentiate itself from other hotel providers in the destination. With the policy of continuous investing in quality, they offer quality hotel services to guests, with which they are addressing more demanding guests. In addition to the modern conference center, offer of high-quality cuisine and various wellness packages, the company has been offering a health product ROI Medico & Spa since 2017. The author of the master's thesis, employed in the GHSR, wishes to study the possibilities of the company’s penetration into new markets with the mentioned product he chose the Arab market as a strategically interesting one. Studying whether the introduction of the new healthcare product in the Arab market is justified is connected to the finding that in the Arab world countries, the majority of the population is overweight due to the rapid pace of life, nature of work and climatic conditions. This is precisely the reason for the rise of cardiac and vascular problems and a very high percentage of people with type II diabetes. The ROI Medico & Spa healthcare product targets the group of guests who are willing to hand out a bit more for their holidays, want privacy, and a high-quality tourism offer. Tourist agencies that are already cooperating with the Arab market play a key role in penetrating the Arab market. Using a survey questionnaire, dispatched among agencies, we conducted a survey and analysed results. The results helped us to test the hypothesis. In the first, theoretical part of the master's thesis, we presented the characteristics and types of health tourism, as ell as the new market penetration strategy. We also theoretically introduced the Arab world and its culture, which is important in business. The second part of the master's thesis is practically oriented. It is composed of a business survey in which we analysed the health tourism in Slovenia and described the health tourism resort Rogaška Slatina more specifically. We presented the GHSR family business and prepared a SWOT analysis of the market, which showed us which opportunities, threats, weaknesses and advantages this company might face during the process of the planned investment in a new health product. By testing the first hypothesis we found out, which health or beauty program guests from the Arab world are most likely to choose. Ba teting the second the and third hypotheses, we checked where and how the representatives of travel agencies are marketing the Grand Hotel Sava Rogaška’s health services, and which are the key products for the presentation of health services in catalogues and business fairs. To test the last, fourth hypothesis, we compared the occupancy of the hotel and the company's income before and after the introduction of the new health product ROI Medico & Spa. We carried out this analysis using the statistical data of the GHSR. During the research, a wide variety of issues were revealed, therefore we proposed improvements in the concluding part of thi master thesis. |