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V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili avtomatiziran sistem najema mestnih koles Bicy v Velenju in smiselnost uvedbe takšnega sistema v Velenju. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični del, kjer je predstavljen sistem izposoje koles, stanje pred uvedbo in na koncu rešitev problema ter zaključek. V teoretičnem delu bomo predstavili sistem izposoje koles ter primere drugih evropskih mest, ki imajo takšen sistem izposoje koles vpeljan že dalj časa. Kot primer dobre prakse smo predstavili ljubljanski BicikeLj, dunajski Citybike, barcelonski Bicing ter Sykkel iz Osla. V nadaljevanju bomo opisali, kakšno je bilo stanje v Mestni občini Velenje pred uvedbo avtomatiziranega sistema mestnih koles Bicy. Na koncu diplomskega dela bo bolj podrobno predstavljen sistem najema mestnih koles Bicy v Velenju in pozitivni rezultati, ki kažejo na pravilno odločitev Mestne občine Velenje za uvedbo sistema, saj meščanom olajša dostopnost lokacij, ki so bolj oddaljene. Sistem pride prav tudi tistim, ki niso zmožni kupiti lastnega kolesa ali tistim, ki nimajo prostora za hranjenje kolesa. In this thesis, we will present an automated renting system of bikes named Bicy in Velenje, and explore the reasonablesness of intruducing that kind of system in Velenje. The thesis is split into the theoretical part which introduces the system of renting bikes, a part describing the situation before the introduction of bike sharing system, where we will present the situation in Velenje before introducing city bikes, and at the end proposed solution of the problem and conclusions. In the theoretical part, we presented the system of renting bikes and examples from other European cities which have this kind of system for a longer time. As example of good practice we presented Ljubljana's BicikeLj, Wienna's Citybike, Barcelona's Bicing and Sykkel from Oslo. In continuation we presented the situation in Velenje before introducing the avtomated system of renting city bikes Bicy. At the end of the thesis, the sistem of renting city bikes in Velenje will be presented in more detail view and all the positive results that support the decision of township Velenje for introducing the sistem, mostly because it is easier for residents to acces more distant locations. The system is perfect for those people who can not afford to buy a bike or don't have room to store one. |