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V zadnjih letih se je pojavil porast zanimanja za ekološke izdelke. Temu je sledil tudi Izobraževalni center Piramida Maribor, v okviru katerega deluje Medpodjetniški izobraževalni center (MIC). Njegov namen je vzpostavitev infrastrukture za izvajanje vseh oblik izobraževanja ter usposabljanja za potrebe živilstva in prehrane. Projekt, v katerega je bil Center vključen, je omogočil, da sta začeli delovati Učna prodajalna in slaščičarna. Poleg osnovne ponudbe kruhov, pekovskega peciva in slaščic smo si v Centru zadali cilj ljudem ponuditi tudi ekološke izdelke. Tako je MIC v redno ponudbo dodal dva ekološka pekovska izdelka in pet ekoloških slaščičarskih izdelkov. Vsi izdelki so iz ekološko pridelanih in certificiranih surovin ter prostorsko in časovno ločeni od priprave neekoloških izdelkov. V diplomskem delu je opisan proces nastanka izdelka od nabave do distribucije. Natančno so torej prikazane recepture in postopki priprave za vsak izdelek, opozorjeno je na spremembe sistema HACCP, opisani so obrazci za spremljanje živil in zapisniki pri izdelavi ter deklaracije. Vse to je omogočilo vključitev izdelkov v ponudbo Učne prodajalne in slaščičarne. There has been an increased interest for organic products lately and the Education Centre Piramida Maribor, within which the Intercompany Training Centre (ITC) also operates, has met the interest of its customers. Its purpose is to establish an infrastructure for all forms of education and training for the needs of the food industry and nutrition. The project, which the centre was involved in enabled the launch of a school learning workshop and pastry shop. In addition to a basic bread supply, pastries and cakes we decided to direct attention to organic products as well. To this end we have created two organic bakery and five confectionery products. Those are organic spelt bread, organic oatmeal pastry, organic ginger biscuits, organic fennel biscuits, organic carrot pockets, organic pumpkin cake and organic apple pie. All products are made with organically grown and certified raw materials and are spatially and temporally separated from the preparation of non-organic products. In this thesis, processes from purchase to selling, recipes and preparation procedures for each product and HACCP requirements and necessary records in the manufacture and declarations are presented. All this enabled the products to be included in the baking and pastry schools’ assortment. |