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Kakovost poštnega prometa je odvisna predvsem od informacijskega toka, logističnega sistema in usklajenosti znotraj in zunaj pošte. Z uvedbo informacijske logistike, kot je naprimer uvedba računalniške tehnologije in povezave med podjetji, smo želeli na delovnem mestu sprejema pisemskih pošiljk od velikih uporabnikov, spodbuditi zaposlene k učinkovitejšem delu, ki bi jim omogočalo lažje delo in posledično manj napak pri sprejemu in oddaji pošiljk. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je prikazati, kako povečati učinkovitost pri sprejemu pisemskih pošiljk. Skozi predloge želimo prikazati možne rešitve oz. doseči sledeče: uvedba novega programa, uvedba povezave preko spleta, posledično tudi uvedba programa za sprejem oz. prevzem popisa oddanih pošiljk na računalnik. V nadaljevanju naloge smo prikazali obstoječe stanje oskrbne verige na pošti 3102 Celje in navedli tudi predloge za spremembo delovnega mesta. Predloge smo ponazorili s prikazanim tlorisom prostorov v dejanskem stanju in prenovljenem stanju, ki si ju lahko ogledate na strani 37 in 41. Z uvedbo tekočega traka, ki je prikazan v prenovljenem stanju, bi se izognili gneči, do katere je v dejanskem stanju prihajalo zaradi zadrževanja pošiljk in zamašitve toka. The quality of postal services depends largely on the information flow, logistics system and coordination within and outside the post office. With the establishment of an information logistics as for example the introduction of computer technology and links between firms, we wanted to take items of correspondence section of the large users to encourage employees to work more efficiently, allowing them to work better with fewer errors in the receiving and posting mail. The main objective of the thesis is to demonstrate how to increase efficiency in accepting letters. We want to show through the motions possible solutions or achieve the following: The introduction of the new program, the introduction of connections over the Internet, hence the introduction of the program for admission or commitment inventory items with computer. Below we show the functions of supply chain status quo in the post 3102 Celje and gave a proposal to amend section. Templates are shown to illustrate the layout of premises in the actual situation and a renewed form, which can be viewed on page 37 and 41. With the introduction of conveyor belt which is shown in the revised state to avoid crowding, this is occurring due to retention of shipments and flow blockage. |