The issues of illegal migrations and the measures of the police against them in the Republic of Slovenia

Autor: Lazar, Lojze
Přispěvatelé: Lobnikar, Branko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Diplomsko delo predstavi temeljne pojme: migracije in ilegalne migracije, ki so ena izmed oblik migracij, ter notranjo in zunanjo mejo. Nato so podrobneje predstavijo vzroki in posledice migracij, njihov pojav po svetu ter v Sloveniji. Sledi še podrobnejši pregled ukrepov policije zoper ilegalnih migrantov ter pomembnost varovanja državne meje. Diplomsko delo predstavi še statistične podatke povezane z nedovoljenimi prehodi na območju Republike Slovenije. Globalizacija omogoča hitrejši, bolj dinamičen pretok ljudi, njihovo mobilnost. Ilegalne migracije so se v preteklih letih pojavljale zelo pogosto prav zaradi različnih sprememb na mejnih kontrolah in registraciji tujcev. Migranti so izbirali tudi druge načine, prehode državne meje na nezakonit način. Poznamo migracije preko morja, katere so najpogostejše, po zraku, katere so zelo drage in iz vidika posredništva – tihotapljenje ljudi. Ilegalne migracije so se v Sloveniji v zadnjih desetih letih močno zmanjšale. K temu je prispevalo izboljšanje ukrepov policije na tem področju. Poostreni nadzor državne meje, profesionalno izvajanje izravnalnih ukrepov, izgon oziroma napotitev ilegalnih migrantov nazaj v njihovo matično državo, napotitev drugih oseb v Center za tujce. Izboljšala se je tudi zakonodaja. Zadnji del diplomskega dela predstavi na podlagi zbranih podatkov ugotovitve, ter napotke v praksi za nadaljnjo delo zoper ilegalnih migracij. The thesis defines the fundamental concepts of migrations and illegal migrations as one of the forms of migrations and the concepts of inner and outer schengen borders. Further the thesis presents the causes and consequences of migrations and illegal migrations, their occurrence in the world, as well as in Slovenia. The second part of the thesis presents the measures of the Slovenian police against illegal migrations and the statistical analysis of illegal migrations in Slovenia. Illegal migrations appeared due to the spread of globalization. Illegal migrations were very frequent in the recent years, mostly because of different changes of border control and registration of foreigners. Those changes led to the fact, that not every foreigner was given the pass of entry. That is why migrants turned to other measures, to those of illegal migrations. We know migrations on sea, which are the most frequently used means of travel, air flights, which are expensive and from the help of a mediator, which refers to smuggling of people. Illegal migrations in Slovenia strongly decreased in the past ten years. The steady decrease is due to the improvements of police security measures on the territory of illegal migrations. Reinforced surveillance of borders, foreigner identifications and checking of border passes, expulsion and deportation of illegal migrants back to their country of origin, and the direction of other migrants to the Center for foreigners. All of those measures led to a more successful ''fight'' against illegal migrations. Legislation for the aformentioned territory improved to the better as well. The last part of the thesis presents the findings and practical advises for the further work against illegal migration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE