Intelligence and security activities in the process of selling state-owned enterprises

Autor: Gosenar, Jernej
Přispěvatelé: Podbregar, Iztok
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V Republiki Sloveniji ima Slovenska obveščevalno-varnostna agencija kot ena izmed treh obveščevalno-varnostnih služb med drugim tudi nalogo, da zagotavlja informacije, povezane z gospodarskimi interesi države, in dejavnosti, ki bi lahko ogrozile njeno nacionalno varnost. Slovenski državni holding, d. d., kot upravljavec lastnih kapitalskih naložb in naložb Republike Slovenije upravlja in sodeluje pri prodaji državnih podjetij. Ocenjujemo, da je prodaja državnih podjetij slabo obveščevalno-varnostno podprta, saj prihaja do neupravičenega dostopanja do zaupnih podatkov teh podjetij, s tem pa tudi zmanjšanja njihove vrednosti, kar slabi gospodarsko stanje in posledično ogroža nacionalno varnost. Prav tako se pred prodajo državnih podjetij ne ugotavlja dejanskih namer kupcev, ki se po izvedenih prodajah večkrat izkažejo kot škodljive za državno premoženje. Tudi v Republiki Sloveniji se je zgodilo, da je oseba iz kriminalnih vrst brez večjih težav dostopala do zaupnih podatkov državnega podjetja Elan, ki je bilo v fazi prodaje. Po proučevanju Slovenskega državnega holdinga, d. d., ki je nosilec upravljanja kapitalskih naložb države, smo, da bi se v prihodnosti izognili takšnim dogodkom, kot predlog v njegovo organizacijsko strukturo umestili obveščevalno-varnostni oddelek. Within the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovene Intelligence and Security Agency, as one of three intelligence and security services in the country, is responsible, amongst other tasks, for providing information about the economic interests of the country and activities which could threaten the national security of the state. Slovenian Sovereign Holding, as the manager of state owned capital investments and investments of the Republic of Slovenia, manages and participates in the selling of state-owned enterprises. We are of the opinion that the sale of state-owned enteprises is poorly supported by intelligence and security efforts, as there is evidence of unauthorised access to confidential information about these companies, which can cause a lower valuation of the enterprises, which consequently leads to weaker economic conditions and a threat to national security. Additionally, before the sale of state-owned enteprises, the actual intention of the buyers, who after a particular sale has gone through have oftentimes shown themselves as harmful to state assets, is not properly scrutinized. Even in the Republic of Slovenia there have been cases, where a person with a criminal background has, without much effort accessed confidential information on Elan, a state holding which was in the process of being sold. As per the analysis of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding, which is responsible for the management of capital investments in the country, we have suggested, in an attempt to avoid the reoccurence of such events in the future, to place an intelligence and security department within their organizational structure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE