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Razvoj informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije je eden izmed najpomembnejših razlogov za neverjetno hitre spremembe na področju poslovanja. Na področju delovanja podjetij se nezadržno širi elektronsko poslovanje. Nastajanje novih modelov, kot so spletno bančništvo, spletna trgovina in podobno, je pospešilo razvoj spleta. Ob hitrem napredku spleta in tehnologij za varno poslovanje si danes življenja brez elektronskega bančništva skoraj ne znamo več predstavljati. Plačevanje položnic s tem sicer ni postalo užitek, je pa veliko bolj znosno, saj nam ni več treba čakati v vrstah pred bančnim okencem. Elektronsko bančništvo nudi veliko prednosti za nas in za banke, pa tudi slabosti. Za temo diplomskega projekta sem si izbrala elektronsko bančništvo. Predstavila sem elektronsko poslovanje, njegove prednosti in slabosti ter varnost pri uporabi. Predstavila sem tudi elektronsko bančništvo in njegove storitve. Kot primer sem izbrala banko Abanka d. d. Na temo elektronskega bančništva sem se osredotočila predvsem zato, ker sama uporabljam storitve elektronskega in mobilnega bančništva prej omenjene banke. Predstavila sem spletno banko Abanet, mobilno aplikacijo Abamobi ter mobilno storitev Abasms. The development of information and communication technology is one of the most important reasons for the incredibly fast changes in business. Electronic commerce is spreading unstoppably in the operations of companies. The creation of new models, such as online banking, online shopping and the like, has sped up the development of the World Wide Web. Owing to the rapid progress of the World Wide Web and technologies for secure business operations, we can barely imagine life today without electronic banking. Although paying the bills has not turned into a pleasure, it is nonetheless much more bearable, because we no longer have to queue in front of the teller window. Electronic banking provides many advantages for us and for the banks, but it has its disadvantages, too. I have chosen electronic banking as the topic of my diploma project. I have presented electronic commerce, its advantages and disadvantages, and how secure its use is. I have also presented electronic banking and its services. I have chosen the bank Abanka d. d. as an example. I have focused on the topic of electronic banking primarily because I too am using the services of electronic and mobile banking of the aforementioned bank. I have presented the online bank Abanet, the mobile application Abamobi, and the mobile service Abasms. |