Comparison of international and national acts

Autor: Hren, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Tratnik, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Magistrsko delo zajema opredelitev in razmejitev pravnih aktov na različnih ravneh - mednarodni, evropski in nacionalni. Na mednarodni ravni je najpomembnejši akt, ki ureja postopek sprejemanja in prenosa mednarodnih pogodb v notranji pravni red Dunajska konvencija o pravu mednarodnih pogodb, na evropski ravni sta to PEU in PDEU, na nacionalni pa postopek sprejemanja mednarodnih pogodb, izvajanje, uveljavitev, ratifikacijo ureja ZZZ-1 od 69. do 89. člena. Dejstvo je, da podpis mednarodne pogodbe državo še ne zavezuje k izpolnjevanju obveznosti iz same pogodbe, pač pa je naslednji korak – ratifikacija tista, ki bo mednarodno pogodbo prenesla v nacionalni pravni red in s tem bo država dolžna začeti spoštovati pravice in obveznosti iz mednarodne pogodbe. Glede prenosa mednarodnih in evropskih aktov v nacionalno zakonodajo obstajaj bistvene razlike. Kot rečeno, se mednarodna pogodba v nacionalno zakonodajo prenese z ratifikacijo, na ravni EU direktive v notranjem redu začno veljati z implementacijo – prenosom v nacionalni pravni red, uredbe pa so neposredno uporabne brez prenosa v nacionalni pravni red. Končna ugotovitev magistrskega dela je, da je za uveljavitev mednarodne pogodbe in direktive EU v nacionalnem pravnem redu potrebno aktivno ravnanje nacionalnih organov, bodi si z sprejetjem nove ali spremembo obstoječe zakonodaje, za uredbe EU pa kakršno koli dejanje nacionalnih organov ni potrebno oziroma je celo prepovedano. The Master’s thesis titled A Comparison of International and National Acts comprises the identification and delineation of legal acts on different levels - international, European and national. The most important act on the international level is the one regulating the procedure of adopting and transferring international agreements into the internal acquis, i.e. the Vienna convention on the law of international agreements, on the European level these are the PEU and the PDEU, and on the national level, the procedure of adopting international agreements is regulated by Articles 69 to 89 of the ZZZ-1. Fact is that signing an international agreement does not yet obligate a state to comply with the obligations under the agreement itself rather, the next step – ratification – is the one that will transfer the international agreement into the national acquis, whereby the state will become obligated to comply with the rights and duties under the international agreement. Considerable differences exist regarding the transfer of international and European acts into the national acquis. As stated above, an international agreement is transferred into the national acquis via ratification on the level of the EU, directives begin to apply in national law with implementation - transfer to national acquis, whereas regulations are directly applicable without transfer into the national acquis. The Master’s thesis concludes that effective action of national bodies is necessary for the enactment of an international agreement and EU directive in the national acquis, whether by adopting a new or modifying the existing legislation, whereas any sort of action of national bodies is unnecessary or even prohibited for EU regulations.
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