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Gradbeništvo se čedalje bolj razvija, kar posledično pomeni, da se je potrebno prilagajati trgu in razvijati proizvode, ki so v danih razmerah aktualni. Proizvajalci gradbenih proizvodov in storitev se zavedajo, da le razvoj lastnih proizvodov omogoča konkurenčnost na trgu, saj z znanjem in izkušnjami razvijajo proizvode za katere vidijo uporabo v prihodnosti. Tako je podjetje Nivo, d. d., iz Celja razvilo montažne škatlaste elemente, ki jih uporabljajo za izgradnjo črpališč in propustov. Prav zato smo se odločili predstaviti način izgradnje črpališč z AB elementi, hkrati pa smo izdelali finančno analizo za vgrajevanje črpališč različnih materialnih karakteristik. Osrednje področje raziskave je predstavitev postopkov vgradnje kanalizacijskih cevi. Glede na to, da smo na primeru izgradnje primarnega kanalizacijskega sistema Spodnja Polskava uporabljali cev Terakan, smo se odločila predstaviti vse postopke za varno in pravilno izgradnjo kanalizacije. Zavedati se moramo, da je seznanitev z navodili pred pričetkom dela potrebna, saj le tako lahko preprečimo morebitne napake pri izvedbi. Prav tako je podana finančna analiza za vgrajevanje različnih tipov cevi. S tem pa potrjujem, da je bila izbira cevi Terakan pravilna, tako s časovnega kot tudi s finančnega vidika. Civil engineering is developing increasingly, which in turn means that they need to adapt to the market and develop products, useful in the current situation. Manufacturers of construction products and services are aware, that only developing of own products could be competitiveness on the market, with the knowledge and experiences they develops products for which they see use in the future. Thus, the company Nivo, d. d., from Celje has developed the prefabricated box-elements, used to build pumping stations. That is why we decided to introduce a way of building stations with reinforced concrete elements, and at the same time produce a financial analysis for the installation of pumping stations of various material characteristics. The central area of research is the presentation of the installation of sewage pipes. On the case of building primary sewerage system Spodnja Polskava, we worked with Terakan pipes, so we decided to present all the procedures for the safe and proper construction of sewers. We must be aware that the introduction with the instructions before beginning is necessary, because this is the only way to avoid possible errors in the execution. Also, there is a financial analysis for the installation of various types of pipes. This confirms that the choice of using pipes Terakan was correct, from the timing as well as financially aspect. |