The independence of elderli person with the Alzheimer's dementia in the day care institution

Autor: Spevan, Valerija
Přispěvatelé: Mlekuž, Vlasta
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Staranje in starost nista bolezen, temveč le fiziološki proces in starostniki so najbolj heterogena populacijska skupina. V starosti so pogoste duševne motnje med njimi Alzheimerjeva demenca. Ko svojci starostnika spoznajo, da gre za kronično bolezen s progresivnim potekom in slabim izidom, se odločajo za namestitev v instituconalno varstvo. Dnevno varstvo je oblika institucionalnega varstva, namenjena posameznikom, ki podaljšuje bivanje ljudi v lastnih domovih. Naloga medicinske sestre, ki dela s starostniki v dnevnih centrih je zdravstvena nega s poudarkom zdravstveno vzgojnega dela. Medicinska sestra pri svojem delu uporablja celosten pristop in s tem upošteva fizično, psihično in duhovno ter socialno stanje posameznika. Pomembno je, da medicinska sestra prilagaja potrebe starostnika in ga motivira za aktivnosti, ki ohranjajo duševne, telesne in socialne sposobnosti. Sodelovanje starostnika z okolico postane aktivnejše, krepi se samopodoba ter občutek lastne vrednosti. Pri empiričnem delu so bili podatki zbrani na osnovi 14 osnovnih življenjskih aktivnostih Virginije Henderson v primerjavi z lestvico ocene sposobnosti samooskrbe (LOSS lestvica).V raziskavi smo se opredelili na študijo primera. Odgovori primerljivosti obeh lestvic so ocena samooskrbe starostnice, ki ima delne težave samostojnega izvajanja nekaterih dnevnih aktivnosti. Poudarjena je vloga medicinske sestre z individualno obravnavo uporabnice na osnovi spodbujanja, usmerjanja in stalnega spremljanja za njeno varno vključitev v novo okolje. Aging and oldness are not diseases but physiological processes. Aging is the last period in life. Elderly persons are the most heterogeneous population group. Mental disorders and the Alzheimer’s dementia are very common in the old age. When the relatives of the elderly person realize that this is a chronic disease with the progressive treatment and the bad result they chose the institutional care. Daily care is the form of the institutional care for the individuals and it extends living at a home residence. Nurse’s duty, who works with the elderly at daily centers, is a health educational work. A nurse uses accession at her work and also gives into consideration physical, psychic, mental and social condition of the individual. It is important that a nurse pays attention to accommodate with the elderly and adjust to his needs. She should not hostle elderly but she should motivate them for activities of keeping the mental, physical and social abilities. Collaboration of the elderly with the environment becomes more active, their self-concept and the feeling of building up your self-worth invigorates. At the empirical part the information were collected on the base of 14 basic life activities of Virginia Henderson in comparison with the care dependency scale - CDS. We have defined for the study of a case in the research. Comparable answers of both scales are the evaluation of the self-sufficiency of elderly woman, who has partial disability in independent executing of some daily activities. The emphasis is the nurse's role with the user’s individual treatment on the base of the encouragement guidance and constant accompany for hers self comprehension into the environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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