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Namen prispevka: V prispevku proučujemo trend uporabe prisilnih sredstev v obdobju 2008–2016 na podlagi letno izdelanih poročil Generalne policijske uprave. Analizirali smo trende uporabe z vidika porasta ali padca števila uporab, kršiteljev in analizirali stanje oseb, zoper katere se prisilna sredstva uporabljajo. Namen je ugotoviti gibanje uporabe prisilnih sredstev policije v daljšem časovnem obdobju. Metode: Opravili smo analizo letnih poročil Generalne policijske uprave s področja uporab prisilnih sredstev. Analizirali smo letna poročila od leta 2008 do leta 2016 ter ugotavljali trende in zakonitosti. Ugotovitve: Rezultati kažejo, da je število uporab prisilnih sredstev v upadanju, da pada število kršiteljev, zoper katere so sredstva uporabljena. Policisti v vseh starostnih strukturah z leti uporabljajo manj prisilnih sredstev, razen policistov v starostni skupini 32–40 let, ki so v porastu, saj gre za najštevilčnejšo starostno strukturo. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Raziskava je bila opravljena na podlagi zbranih podatkov o vseh uporabah prisilnih sredstev v policiji v obdobju 2008–2016. Praktična uporabnost: Rezultati so uporabni pri spremljanju uporab prisilnih sredstev ter ukrepih za povečanje varnosti policistov in oseb v policijskem postopku. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: V dosedanjem obdobju so bile opravljene analize za posamezno leto, ne pa tudi za daljše časovno obdobje. Purpose: In the paper we examine the trend of use of coercive measures by Slovene Police in the period from 2008 to 2016 on the basis of annual reports issued by the General Police Directorate. We have analysed the trends of use in terms of the increase or decline in the number of applications and the number of offenders. We have also analysed the condition of persons against whom coercive measures were used. The purpose is to determine the trend of police use of coercive measures over a longer period of time. Design/Methods/Approach: We analysed the annual reports of the General Police Directorate in the field of use of coercive measures. We have analysed the annual reports from 2008 to 2016 and assessed trends and legality. Findings: The results show that both the number of applications of coercive measures as well as the number of offenders against whom they are used are declining over the years. Police officers from all age groups use less and less coercive measures over the years, with the exception of those from the age group 32-40 years, since it is the most numerous age structure. Research Limitations / Implications: The research was conducted on the data collected by Slovene Police regarding all use of coercive measures in the 2008–2016 period. Practical Implications: The results are useful in predicting the trend of using coercive measures and in identifying ways to increase the safety of police officers and persons in police procedure. Originality/Value: Previous studies were conducted for separate years only, but not for a longer period of time. |